Chapter 38

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"Captain, please! You need to eat!"

Bepo keeps knocking on the door, nonestop. Law is sitting beside your bed, staring at your half dead body.

"What am I going to say to them..when they'll see you in this state?"

His face is washed in horror. He looks like he hasn't slept or ate for days.

"I couldn't keep my promise.."

He crouches down and lays his head on the mattress, tightly gripping on your hand.
Bepo barges into the door, instantly regretting it upon seeing his captain in a terrible state.


Law looks back at Bepo, his eyes are filled with anger.

"Get out."



Bepo instantly runs out of the room. The Crew is aware of what is happening, this is the first time they've seen their captain in this state.

They have been walking on eggshells for the past three weeks due to Law's sudden outbursts.
They hoped for a miracle to happen, for you to wake up..but as the time goes by..their hope is draining away.

Law doesn't want to give up.

You're plugged into a machine, which is the only thing that keeps your heart pumping for now.
Although Law managed to remove the beed, he didn't realize that the beed's string was so tightly attached to your heart's wall, that it almost managed to rip it in half.

Luckily, he spotted it on time but the wall was already ripped by the time the beed was removed.
He desperately tried to stop the bleeding.

He did stop it, the end of it, your heart was so weak could no longer work on its own.
Due to the interruption in your blood circulation, your heart stopped, the machine was the only choice they had left.

They're a very slim chance of your blood circulation originally regaining back.
Law is stubbornly clinging onto that slim chance, refusing to give up.

But it also pains him to see you in a terrible state. As if your body is begging to be let free..
He leaves the room you're in and enter his office. The anger gets the best of him, he ends up shattering and destroying everything that got in his hands.
A glass, a picture flame, a chair, even a table. You name it.
He didn't care that his crew heard him, he just wanted to let his frustration out. Don't get him wrong..he didn't blame anyone but himself.

Only himself.

Upon destroying everything, he got bruises all over his hands. As if it's his way of punishing himself.
But that wasn't enough. He refused to eat unless the crew forced him to. He developed an insomnia, which meant that..often times he didn't sleep. If he slept, he only slept near you, while his head was on your mattress.

Who would have thought that a merciless Doctor of Death would end up in this state?..
There's truely no doubt that he'll completely lose himself if he loses another person he loves.
It is only a matter of time...


Strangely enough, there's a deadly peace surrounding you.

Why deadly? You may ask?..

Because it's only a matter of time till it leads you to death.

Perhaps peace was never an option..
You can't move, it feels like something is swallowing you up whole, making you lose your senses.

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