Chapter 69

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⚠️Major Manga Spoilers, (specifically chapter 1023 and below.) please don't read if you don't want to be spoiled.⚠️

You felt your vision going blurry as a sudden heaviness of your own body weights you down, forcing you to harshly land on the ground.

You were aiming to go back to the roof but you ended up on the performance floor again.
An All Stars - Queen seems to be fighting Sanji. King seems to be fighting Marco, but Marco looks like he's at his limit.
Zoro is wrapped up in bandages, injured Chopper and the Minks have surrounded him, trying to inject him with some sort of liquid.

You glance at the soldiers, they seem discouraged and scared upon hearing that Luffy was defeated. need to let everyone know that Luffy is alive. Even if he won't be able come back, you'll take it upon yourself and defeat Kaido at all cost.

You spot Boa Huang gliding around the area, observing the current situation.

(Bao Huang is a Shinuchi in the Beasts Pirates, being part of the crew's surveillance division, the "Marys". She appears to have the duty of keeping and presenting daily schedules for the crew and their captain Kaido, she's in charge of watching and announcing everything with her devil fruit ability, her eye marked paper allows her to remotely observe locations, communicate and broadcast other people's voices through the area)

You recall her being the one announcing Luffy's defeat, which destroyed many people's Spirit.

Boa Huang suddenly spots you and gasps outloud. She lands on a high building, quite a distance away from you.


before she could repeat it, you appear right behind her and harshly shove her towards a wall. Then you proceed to knock her out unconscious, allowing yourself to take advantage of her ability.
You grab her eye marked paper mask and was about to announce something when..
King appears right behind you, with a swift move, he sends you flying towards a wall behind you.The impact was so huge, that the wall itself crumbled behind you.

You made sure to keep your heart safe within your pocket, but a sudden pain in your chest makes you gasp in agony.

"Did the painkiller wear off already?..
No...this isn't good..."
You think to yourself and try to stand up but a sudden dizziness hits you.

Before you knew it, King appears right Infront of you and grabs you by the collar, lifting up in the air.
You tightly clung onto the Eye marked mask of Boa Huang's, feeling a red liquid drooling down your head.
You're most definitely having a concussion...

"It's not too late to give up, your brother has been defeated. There's no chance for you to win."

You close your eyes for a second, trying your best to stay conscious.

" Give up, Y/n."

Says King with an uncertainty in his voice, You smile and glace at him.

"Are you certain?"

He doesn't respond.

"Are you certain that there's no chance to win?"

He tightens his grip on your collar, making you question why he's not choking you yet.
You reach your hand and speak into the eye marked mask.

"Luffy is alive, but now it's my turn take responsibility and take care of Kaido myself."

Your words echoed through out the whole Onigashima, people were relieved upon hearing that Luffy is alive.

King looks enraged upon hearing that.

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