Chapter 8

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You're standing near a certain house, observing your surroundings. You notice how familiar the place looks, the nostalgic smell giving you a strange sense of Euphoria.

"Mom, where are we?"

You're holding onto yours mother's hand.

"Sweetheart, we're here to visit Grandpa Garp!"

"Grandpa Garp? That old geezer?"

Aurora chuckles, patting you on the head.

"Be nice sweetie."
Your mother looks as beautiful as you remember. Her long red hair, face full of freckles and most importantly..her smile.
Suddenly, you hear a man's voice Infront of you.


Aurora suddenly runs up to Garp and hugs him.


"oh dear, I'm glad to see you here."

You look behind Garp and notice a boy the same age as you. He seems to be glaring at all of you.
Garp then turns to the boy

"Ace, this is your Aunt."

The little boy's face shifts into shock.
Aurora walks up to him with tears in her eyes.


Aurora greets him warmly, Ace doesn't say a word, he keeps staring at her face.

"You look"

He suddenly mumbles.
Aurora pulls him into a warm hug, Ace just stood there frozen.

"You're right, I resemble my older sister a lot."

Ace pulls away, he looks a bit angry.

"You're not her."

He suddenly runs away, leaving all of you behind.

"Don't worry Aurora, he's usually in a bad mood."

says Garp and then turns to you.

"Oh this?.."

Aurora nods, while gesturing you to come closer
You walk up to Garp and he suddenly picks you up.

"Look at you! You're spitting image of your mother!"

Garp holds you in his arms while talking to Aurora. Suddenly you notice Ace hiding behind a tree, observing you with a grumpy expression on his face.

"Do you want to take Ace with you?"

"Depends if he wants to, it's up to him to decide."

"Mom? Can I go play with that boy?

"Of course you can sweetie, be careful."

"Stay close, don't go into the woods."

Garp puts you down, you immediately run up to the tree but there is nobody behind it.

"Where did he go.."

You mumble quietly while scratching your head.


You hear a grumpy voice coming from the tree, you look up and see Ace sitting there with his arms crossed.

"Who are you?"

You lean against the tree.

"I'm your cousin, isn't that obvious?"

He jumps down from the tree, carefully observing your face.

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