Chapter 21

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(On the other side.)
Bepo is running through the hall while carrying a seastone knife in his paws. Due to his clumsiness, he dropped it a few times. He finally reaches the Operation room in distress.

Panick washes over his face upon seeing his captain's blood soaked fingers, desperately holding back the strings from crushing the heart completely.


Law yells in frustration, Bepo quickly hands him the Seastone knife.
As soon as he got a hold of it, he felt his body becoming extremely weak, but he didn't care.
His main priority is to cut the strings.

Yes..the strings.. Doflamingo's strings.

He was about to cut the string that was attached to your heart when the heart itself simply... disappears.

He drops the seastone knife in confusion, he takes a look at his bloody hands.

Bepo's breath hitches.

"Why are your hands bleeding?"

Sabaody Archipelago.

The place where the straw hats have finally reunited. They embrace eachother in joy, their reunion has finally come true and they are back! 
Luffy is standing on his Ship, glancing at the view Infront of him.

"Luffy? What's wrong?"

Robin goes up to him. She has noticed how quiet he has been.

"I think I forgot something."

Luffy rubs his head, he seems to be lost in his thoughts.
His friends glance at eachother, all of them are weirded out by his behavior.

"Oh well, it probably wasn't important!"

He brushes it off and joins his crew, engaging in activities that he has missed out for two years.

The night has fallen, but this particular night is as loud and joyful as ever for Red Hair Pirates.
They seem to be feasting, celebrating yet another Victory. Somewhere around the deck, stood an almighty Emperor, Red haired Shanks.

His mind seems to have drifted off somewhere else as he stood quietly near the deck handle.

His crew noticed his unusual mood, since Shanks is mostly the loudest one when it comes to feasting.
Upon confronting him about it, he brushed it off and said.

"Strangely enough...something must have slipped out of my mind."

His crew cheered him up afterwards, but the unusual feeling still lurked inside of him, giving him doubts about his own thoughts.

(Back to you)

It feels like you've been caught in a spider web, unable to gain control of your body as an agonizing pain spreads through you.
Upon hearing hearing Doflamingo's another suggestion, your breath hitches in shock.

"Seems like I'll need Sugar's assistance with this one."

Sugar...another member of Donquixote Family.

Her ability is consider to be far more dangerous than anyone else's.
Hobi Hobi fruit - Paramecia type Devil fruit that allows the user to transform living things into toys,and erase memories of their existence from others.

Completely erasing your existence is far more worse than death, atleast that's what you consider.

You couldn't even move your fingers despite successfully managing to place an invisible bomb in his body, thankfully it can't be detected within a naked eye, because of its microscopic size.

If you manage touch his chest, you can active the bomb which can destroy his internal organs.

Due to pain you could barely keep your eyes open. All you can do it listen..

Strangely enough, the pain would lessen time by time, as if some invisible force was blocking Doflamingo's strings from completely crushing your heart.

With every strength in your body, you coat Doflamingo's strings with your own blood, making it loosen up around your hands.

skin to skin contact can set off the bomb, you only need to reach him.

"Just a little bit more..I can do this..Sugar hasn't appeared yet..."

You think to yourself and quickly charge at Doflamingo.

He stood still with an unreadable expression on his face. Just as you were about to touch him...
Sugar jumps out from his coat and manages to touch you.

Within a blink of an eye, you felt your body transforming into a puppet.

It's failed...

Sugar giggles unpleasantly as she looks at your tall figure. Fortunately, you haven't shrunk in size.

"You shall be sent out to Caesar Clown. That's where they need things like you the most."

She turns to Doflamingo, who seems to be holding his bleeding Shoulder.

"Do whatever you want."

He states and walks away from both of you.

Does this mean he no longer remembers your existence? Does Sugar's ability apply to him?

You no longer felt anything..not even pain.

You couldn't feel your own body, your breath, not even the little wind that was brushing against your face a few moments ago.


You are besically trapped in a puppet's body.


You finally murmur out of rage and use your conjoined limbs to move.
Sugar gives you a cold glare upon seeing you trying to move.


She orders, your body immediately did what she ordered, despite your mind protesting it.

"Seems like I have to sew up this mouth of yours."

She takes out a needle and a sew with the most sadistic facial expression on her face.

"What a pathetic little thing..."

Your body was completely paralyzed, you couldn't do anything as she did whatever she wanted with you.
Kicking, insulting, name it.
But worst of all, she sewed up your mouth preventing you from speaking.
You don't feel a physical pain, but the mental pain is getting to you.
You are slowly falling apart, little by little.
This is an absolute torture, if you had known'd land a death blow on Doflamingo and take your life along with his.


You regret not preparing more beforehand, you know you rushed it because you knew.. something would happen to you in the end.

Worst of all, your existence has been erased. Your brothers, your friends...nobody remembers you.As if you had never existed in the first place.

You wanted to scream, cry and destroy everything around you.
You couldn't even mutter a word, nor shed a tear, let alone move.

Is this what hell looks like?

Countless of other people besides you are experiencing the same thing.
Those weird toys you saw on the street are in the same state as you, they're also trapped into their own minds, begging to be let free.
Is there really no hope for you?
You're all on your own now.

Stupid man really thought he could get rid of you so easily.
You've left enough trace and documents to Tontatta Dwarves to help them better understand the situation they're in.

Sure, they might not remember you but whatever you've left them will reveal confidential Information about the Donquixote family members.

it will be handy especially if someone powerful appears and decides to cooperate with them.

Now..who would that be?...
Guess you have to wait and see...but for now..
You succumb into darkness, letting the void take over your mind.

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