Chapter 67

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You listen as Kaido explained his plans to wage war against the World Government by claiming the One Piece and the Ancient Weapons alongside Big Mom.

Kaido elaborated further on his course of action, planning to transform Wano Country, a natural fortress, into a lawless nation of pirates and weapon industries, operated by slaved Flower Capital denizens, to oppose the World Government. You predicted it would come down to this..

Orochi, realizing that he would lose his dominion if such an operation were put in action, angrily protested to Kaido about the plan, only for the Emperor to instantly behead him, to the utter shock of everybody watching.
You were horrified upon seeing this scene Infront of you, preparing yourself for the worst.

"You see this brat, Y/n?"

This is the first time you heard him call you by your real name. You glance at Momonosuke who seems barely alive.

"I'll spare him, if he admits that he's not Oden's son."

Breath in...and out..
Your lungs feel like they're closing on you.

"As for you...I'll spare you too, if you admit that Aurora isn't your mother."

You felt a vein popping on your forehead.

Who does he think you are?..a fucking coward?!

Momonosuke lifts up his head, revealing his swollen face. In tears, he admitted his heritage out of pride, despite knowing the consequences of saying that.

How brave...

Kaido is extremely annoyed at this point, he turns to you once again and to your surprise, gives you another offer.

"I shall give you another choice."

He throws a sword at you.

"You either admit that Aurora isn't your mother, or you kill this brat with your own hands."

"What do I get in return?"

"I shall spare you."

This unbelievably...NAIVE.

you turn to Momonosuke and cut the strings which attached him to the wall.
He falls down on the ground and cries out of pain.

"Stand up."

He lifts up his trembling limbs and looks up at you. With eyes filled of tears, but deep can read off his determination.

"What do you wish to do, Momonosuke?"

Kaido was about to interfere, when you release your Conqueror's Haki, catching him by surprise.
Momonosuke falls on the ground, trembling out of fear.

"Speak up."

You come off rather cold, but you couldn't care less. You want to know if this kid is worth saving or not.

"I...i-i wish to make Wano...great-t again."

That's it...that's all you needed to hear.
You're holding a sword against Momonosuke's neck, watching his horrified face.
You carefully reach for your mask and take it off, revealing your satisfied expression.

"Then shall be it."

You say and drop the sword on the ground, strapping your mask on your Kimono.
Kaido's intimidating aura reaches you, it felt like thousand spikes in your muscles.

"So..both of you chose death ."

He grabs him mace and slowly starts walking towards you and Momonosuke.
Yamato was about to make a move when King appears right next to him, preventing him from making a move.

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