Chapter 39

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What are you... saying?.."

Luffy's has hitched upon hearing Law's words.
His face has turned pale.

"Y/n might not survive."

The crew members and Samurai listen in horror, they couldn't believe what they'd just heard.
Nami walks up to her Captain, trying to calm him down.

"What do you mean?!"

Zoro can't keep in his frustration.

"Y/n's heart can't keep working on it's own, which will result several other organs to shut down sooner.. or later...Y/n's in coma now."

As a doctor, Law is trying to handle this as professionally as possible. Despite the fact that he's on a brink of break down himself.

Zoro walks up to him and grabs his collar.

"Didn't you say you'd cure them?! DON'T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!"


Luffy stops him with a warning tone, he was about to hit Law.

"Is there still a chance for Y/n to recover?"

Luffy turns back to Law.

Zoro lets go of him..

"A very slim chance."

He responds shortly, avoiding to look at them.
Chopper notices Law's face, he barely looks alive himself.

"What about Y/n's heart? How is it?"

Chopper asked.

"It's separately plugged into a machine, in order to keep the blood circulation going.
Now, if you'll excuse me.."

Law quickly left the room, he knew he couldn't control his emotions, if he kept talking about your condition.
The other Heart Pirate Crew stayed in the same room as Straw hats.
Chopper turns to Bepo and decides to talk to him.

"Law looks terrible.."

-"he refuses to eat or sleep, day by day he's getting worse."

Chopper looks at the fellow mink apologetically.

"We're sorry we couldn't do much, but our captain did everything he could to save Y/n. So please..take it easy on him."


Zoro curses under his breath, he's enraged.

"Keep in mind that you're not the only one that's devastated by the news."

One of the crew member- Penguin, turns to Zoro.

"Captain took the responsibility of Y/n's health. He blames himself for Y/n's condition!"

"He IS the one to blame. WHO ELSE?!"

Zoro refuses to be sympathetic.

"The beed that has been removed from
Y/n's heart turns out to be a cancerous parasite created by SMILE company."

Says one of the Crew member - Jean Bart. All of the Straw hats and Samurai stare at him in shock.

"Law hasn't mentioned this.."

Luffy mutters under his breath.

"Thankfully it didn't spread anywhere, but the beed itself managed to damage
Y/n's Heart durning the removal."

"Could it be..that Aurora-dono got infected by the same parasite?"

Kin'emon turns to other samurais, they had the same question in mind.

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