Chapter 3

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He was good-looking, I gotta admit. But there was still this intimidating, dangerous vibe he gave off that made my heart race quicken every time we made eye contact. I knew why everyone was scared of him. I was, too.

"Your father told me you're going to a public school?" "Yes," I answered, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible in order to seem calm. Didn't really work. I also hoped he did not know about Benjamin. But on the other hand, he's a Mafia boss. He probably knew every single one of my little dirty secrets.

"Look I won't force you to quit since it's your last year anyway but you will have to take me to any school activities outside of the regular lessons," he demanded in a serious tone. I just nodded and looked over to the fireplace. As I watched the flames flicker, I felt his eyes on me again.

"You have freckles," he suddenly stated out of nowhere, obviously trying to make conversation. I looked back at him confused. "My father hates them so he made the stylists cover them up." "He's an idiot," he said to which I couldn't help but suppress a grin.

"You can leave now," his tone was cold and demanding again. Carefully, I got up and made my way to the door. I was almost out when he spoke again. "I expect you back home after school immediately tomorrow. You will meet your new Portuguese teacher at five p.m."

"I have to learn Portuguese?" I asked confused. "It's a Portuguese Mafia," Ace answered, giving me a 'what a dumb question is that'-look.

Of course it is.

"Mallory, Mallory," I heard Benjamin yell behind me as I made my way to the bus station. "What's wrong with you the past week? You seem like your thoughts are somewhere else like 99% of the time."

"I know, I'm sorry," I whined, throwing my head back and elongating the 'know'. "I just haven't been feeling that good. With out exams coming up and everything."
I made up an excuse by the time he reached me. I didn't need him asking even more questions about my mood or why I didn't have time for him anymore. I didn't want to get him in trouble. So I went for the most plausible answer.
"Are you coming to the party at my house tonight?" Why does he even ask me when he ignores my answer every time?

"Yeah I guess I'll come," I said, shrugging my shoulders before going to the bus station. Vivien normally drives me but today she was sick. In order to prevent unnecessary attention, I just took the bus to school.

As I was listening to music, waiting for the bus I saw a familiar black car pull up on the other side of the street. Oh shit. A second later the driver's door swung open and Ace came out, striding toward me with a speed that already told me I fucked up big time.

"What the fuck made you think I'd let you take the bus when you woke up today?" he asked angrily, causing the people's gazes around to snap to us.
"I don't know, what else should I have done?" I shrugged my shoulders. I really couldn't care less. I felt everyone's eyes on us and I hated it. I knew they were gonna talk about this at the party tonight.

"Come on," Ace took my bag and gestured his other hand towards the car. "I can carry my own bag and I can take whatever I want to and from school," I snapped at him, surprised at my sudden burst of confidence. It was probably caused by my being fed up with people commanding me around and making decisions for me all the time, especially the past few weeks.
His expression was unreadable. I didn't know whether he was angry, surprised, annoyed or even amused by the fact that I talked back so bratty.

"No you can't," he said before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. "Ace stop," I said, embarrassed, as I punched his back with my fists like he would let go of me then. After a few hits, I remembered that it was useless anyway and buried my face in my hands in despair.

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