Chapter 28

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A knock on my study's door pulled my thoughts away from work.
"What?" I snapped.

"Hold the horses it's not my fault you're a shit businessman," Lucía mocked as she entered and closed the door behind her.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "What do you want?"

She had her hands behind her back as she walked through the room, scanning the books on my shelves and stopping at one specific one.

"Stop strutting," I demanded, sounding as bored as I was.
Lucía pivoted on one heel and looked at me, her arms now folded in front of her chest.

"I hope you have a plus one for Ace's wedding," she clipped, raising her brows. "Because Niveen has one now."

Something tugged at my chest, worsening my mood severely.
"I don't give two flying fucks whether Niveen has a date or not," I answered, steering my face, not wanting an emotion to slip free.

"He's very good-looking," she continued, pacing the length of my study again. "With a lot of tattoos and shit."

My hands clenched into fists under the table. And there was that tugging again.

"And his eyes are the deepest shade of blue I've ever seen," she sighs, putting her hands above her heart before clearing her face again. "But if you say you don't care, I won't bore you any longer." She dropped her hands.

I need a fucking topic change.

I sighed, grabbing a pen and flicking it between my fingers. "Why are you telling me this, Lucía?"

"Well I just thought you'd be interested in the wedding arrangements. Besides, I'm bored. Don't you have someone for me to slaughter or something?"

"You need therapy," I said, raising my eyebrows. "Go and help Ace. I don't know. Do anything that keeps you from annoying me," I ordered and she turned around to leave.

"I think I'll go get a tattoo," she answered but I didn't acknowledge it anymore. I simply waved her off, lowering my gaze onto my paperwork again.

A chuckle left my throat when the door was closed again.

No matter what I did after that, my thoughts kept on skipping off to Niveen and her 'plus one'.
The fuck was she going to take someone else. I didn't want to go with her, obviously. But I also didn't want her to go with someone else. And what pissed me off even more was that she only did that to piss me off.

Two could fucking play that game.

There was that tug again and suddenly I had the urge to throw something. Or hit something. Or kill someone. Preferably with blue eyes.

I knew I had some severe anger issues and I tried to work on that for a while. So instead of doing that, I called my tattoo artist.

There was that one specific neck tattoo I'd been wanting to get for a while - since there wasn't really any more space for other tattoos left - and I figured that was the time.

Getting tattoos didn't only look cool as hell but also helped with the prickling sensation underneath my skin or that tugging in my chest whenever I thought of her.

That tugging called jealousy.

Later that day, it was already dark out - which didn't mean it had to be very late now that the winter approached at an unnerving speed - I was making my way to Ace's for another one of those shit meetings. I really was fed up with that.

The skin on my neck pulled with every move but that wasn't an unknown sort of pain. And again, it helped.

Niveen wouldn't be there that night, especially because Ace kicked her out temporarily, so I felt fine.
Until I didn't.

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