Chapter 55

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I sat up as I jolted out of my sleep with a gasp. I looked around the dark, quiet room that was filled by my heavy breaths, desperately searching for oxygen to fill my lungs with.

Triplets of sweat covered my body. I turned on the light on the nightstand and grabbed my phone before dialing a number.

"Hello?" his sleepy voice said after it ringed for a while.

"I dreamt of it again. Halloween" I explained to my older brother causing a sigh to escape his mouth. "Tell me about it" Filip said.

"Mal" Jack yelled up the stairs and judging by his voice I immediately knew what was going on. I grabbed my jacket and ran downstairs.

"Ace woke up" he said before I even reached the end of the staircase. "Let's go we need to go" I urged as I grabbed my shoes.

"Don't you want to put them on fir-" "Jack now" I rushed past him and ran towards his car, followed by him.

My feet felt cold from the icy ground but the fire that grew within me gave off the required warmth for them not to freeze or go numb.

I got in the car and put my shoes on on the way to Ace's mansion. Archie brought him home as soon as possible before the staff noticed we used a fake ID for Ace.

At the mansion I got out of the car before Jack even parked it. "Hey Mal what the fuck are you doing" I heard him yell after me as I stormed towards the front door. I couldn't care less.

But right as I wanted to open it, I froze.

"What now? You jumped out of my car when it wasn't even parked and now you're too scared to go in?" Jack, who appeared behind me asked confused.

"What if he's angry with me because of what I did to-" "Mallory stop the madness and go in already" he demanded before opening the door to shove me inside.

They were all standing in the entrance area and when the door opened everyone's attention was forced on me.

Ace's attention as well.

He looked at me, frozen in his place and so was I.

"Ace" "Mal" we said, both not daring to believe that this was real because if it wasn't, it would've broken our hearts even more.

And then after a few long seconds of silence I built up the courage to approach him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, careful not to hurt him but he pulled me in and picked me up.

His hands slid along my back and then further down, guiding my legs around his body.

"I missed you" he whispered. "I missed you more" I replied as I took in his scent like a drug. A drug that I didn't know I was as in need for it as I was.

"Let's leave them to themselves for a moment, shall we?" Archie spoke before I heard footsteps disappearing into the living room. I didn't care to look at or acknowledge any of them. All that mattered for me in that moment was the boy in my arms. He was everything that always mattered.

He walked to his room with me still in his arms and leaned against the door to close it before letting me down and turning so that I was the one with my back against the door.

"How are you?" I asked but he put his finger on my lips. "Don't talk unless you moan my name" he said before his lips collided with mine, forcing me against the wooden door.

He then picked me up but immediately regretted it. He winced in pain as he let me down again and put his hand on his chest.

"Are you okay?" I asked, scared something happened. "Yes I'm fine" he answered. "I guess I just need to rest a little after the meeting is over."

"Wait" I raised my hand and looked at him obstreperously. After a quick pause I went on "What meeting?"

"With the inner circle. I told Archie to call a meeting in half an hour. I want to be up to date about what happened the past few days and we have to plan our next steps. We can't lose any time."

I just looked at him in disbelief with my mouth wide open before I scoffed. "You're just messing with me right now. Are you?" I asked just to be sure.

Ace gave me a confused look.

"I was in bed the past few days so I don't know what happened referring to business but when Archie finally got me to get up and eat your stupid father came at me and attacked me and kicked me out so I did the same to him until Jack took me with him so that Dominic won't kill me in my sleep and oh do you know what? Your brother didn't leave, he got kicked out"

I babbled out as anger rose up in me, I didn't even realize I got faster by the word.

The blonde looked at me with his eyes wide open, too shocked by my sudden outburst to speak.

Then we heard a knock at the door.

"Ace they're here" Archie's voice chimed from behind the wood. I exchanged looks with Ace for a second and it didn't take him long to spot what I was about to do.

"No" he said as he shook his head but I turned around to open the door.

"How. Dare. You" I snapped at Archie who looked at me confused and then at Ace behind me. "What did I do?" he asked and his in-suspiciousness pissed me off even more.

"He has to rest you can't just call for a meeting not even 2 hours after he woke up" I said as I gestured my hand to Ace behind me.

"I tried to tell him this too but he's the boss and what he says counts" he said with his hands raised in innocence. "And I'm his fiancé" I argued.

"Exactly and that is what makes it even more disrespectful of you to behave like that. You're not his mom" Amelia suddenly interrupted us from the side.

My head whipped over to her before I gave her a deadly stare. "Mind your own business, Amelia," I spat.

"It's my business because he appears to be my boss" she argued back making my blood boil. "Riiight and which decision were you ever a part of since I joined?" I snapped at her.

"Many. Ace and I just like to communicate with looks. We don't need to talk" she said with a smirk on her face as she winked at me.

"What?" I spat out, offended by her attitude. "I said your fiancé fancies me" she replied, pronouncing every word as clear as possible as she stepped closer with her arms crossed.

"What the fuck" Archie said in both shock and disbelief. Nikita rushed after Amelia to hold her back.

"Wow wow wow stop" Ace interrupted with a sharp voice as he grabbed my arm to prevent me from charging at her and then he stepped between us.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" he snapped at her with his eyebrows furrowed. "I-" she looked at him and then glanced at me in confusion before looking back at him.

"I thought we had something when you smiled at me. I thought you're just with her because this is arranged, not because you have real feelings-" she stopped herself, the embarrassment written on her face.

"Oh my god" Ace frowned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "I really don't have the nerves for this right now" he said before putting his arm around me and making his way to his office.

"We're starting with the meeting" he said as he walked past the others. I locked eyes with Nikita who quickly looked away.

Archie told me that her and Tris had something. It was clear after they found out she wasn't there to help us when Ace got shot because she tried to help Tristan. From where she was positioned, she could've seen Nadia aim but I doubt she would've been fast enough to prevent the unpreventable.

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