Chapter 46

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The next day we were standing in the hall for Ace's and Brandon's fight. "Do you really have to do that?" I asked as I bandaged his hands. "You know the answer to that."

I did know the answer to that. And I hated it.

"Be careful" I said as I cupped his face, too scared to let him go into the ring. I wasn't scared that he won't make it and lose. He was the best of the best. I was scared he might hurt himself. "I always am" he answered, holding my hands that were still on his face and pecking me on the lips.

"Are you ready?" Archie asked as the two of them arranged themselves in the ring and Ace nodded, not taking his eyes off Brandon. "3.....2.....1.....GO!"

Brandon charged at Ace and went in for a punch but Ace was quick do dodge it. He punched the air and stumbled forwards. Ace used his chance to grab his opponent's upper body from the side and knee him in the stomach repeatedly. Then he picked him up and threw him to the ground.

Brandon collided with the hard floor with a grump and before he was even able to get up, Ace was on top of him, choking him.

Brandon kicked the air, trying to free himself as he used his fingers to try and separate Ace's hands from his throat.

He was already choking him for 20 seconds, I took count. The problem was that they didn't fight for time. They fought until tap out. Meaning Ace was gonna kill Brandon if he didn't tap out anytime soon.

Someone else knew that as well as I did. Brandon was already choking, searching for air and I knew he was going to lose consciousness anytime soon.

"Tap out" I whispered under my breath. Did he have a death wish?

Before I could realize what was going on I saw a blade flying Ace's way. "ACE" I yelled and he saw it just in time to duck and avoid it.

He looked into the audience in shock, trying to see who threw it. Brandon used the chance to punch Ace and shove him off him.

I tried to concentrate on the fight while searching for the person that threw the blade when I captured one of Brandon's squad members a few feet away, standing in the direction where the blade came from.

My head almost immediately whipped over to Archie and he looked just as confused.

Brandon was now somehow holding Ace in headlock. He punched his opponent in the stomach repeatedly so hard that he let go of Ace. Ace then proceeded to kick him in the ribcage causing him to stumble and fall against the railing with the back of his head.

His body fell sloppy to the ground and he wasn't moving anymore.

The second I saw that Ace won I rushed out of the hall to find Brandon's squad member.

"What the fuck were you doing?" I hissed at him when I found him in the hallway. "You could've killed him." "He would've killed Brandon if I didn't intervened" he stated like that justified it.

"Fuck you" I hissed at him as I pushed him against the wall. "You stand no chance against me, Missy. Don't be stupid and stop insulting me" he laughed at me causing my blood to boil.

My hand built a fist and I punched him with so much force, his head collided with the wall behind him from the impact.

He whipped his head back to me in anger. "You little slut" he hissed, taking a swing but it never came to a collision.

"Mallory, we'll take care of it. Why don't you go to my office already? We'll have a meeting in a few minutes" I heard Ace suddenly speak up from behind. As I turned around I saw him and Cullen standing in front of us. They towered over me in the most intimidating way. They looked furious.

I stepped aside and made my way to his office and the last thing I heard was repeated punches and the squad member grumping in pain.

A wicked smile stretched across my face as I walked along the plain grey hallway.

Will Ace kick Brandon and his squad out after that? What is the meeting about? What do you think?

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