Chapter 45

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"Aceeee" Archie was the first to come in before the others pushed past me as well. It was only the inner circle because Ace's other friends were coming later.

The inner circle existed of Archie, Cullen, Tristan - the guy who operated Ace, Nikita, Brandon and Amelia - and Ace and me of course.

"How's it feel to finally be able to drink legally" Tristan joked as he pushed Ace and then grabbed the back of his neck, shaking him playfully. "Shut the fuck up" Ace replied with a laugh while pushing him as well. The others said hello and they all brought a lot of alcohol with them.

Everyone greeted me as well except for Amelia. She was after Ace for years but I was used to her ignoring me so it was fine.

We took a seat in the dining room and started drinking as we chatted. A few minutes in my face started to get hot as I got a little light headed from the 12 shots we had.

"Malmal" Archie said as he raised the bottle of Vodka to pour some in my glass. I already opened my mouth to say yes but Ace was quick to cover it with his hand. "Let's make a pause, okay?" he said in a serious tone but it was more of a demand rather than a suggestion.

"Okay, dad" I frowned at him teasingly as I snatched the glass out of his grasp and held it over to Archie, my gaze not leaving Ace's. "Archie if you pour that-" "Oops, sorry boss" Archie interrupted as he filled up my glass.

"A toast to Ace, who likes to be a little too demanding sometimes" Archie raised his glass and I laughed as we all took our shots. Ace rolled his eyes with a smirk before he took his as well.

"So what has little Malmal gotten you?" Tris asked to change the topic, earning a elbow in the side from Archie. "That's my nickname. Find your own one, dickhead" he said and I laughed along with the others.

Ace got up and grabbed the brass knuckles from the dining room. As he came back he took a seat again and put it on.

"It's an engagement brass knuckles" he said as he winked at me and everyone seemed to like the present.

"Will you get me something like that for my birthday too?" Cullen joked and I shoved him with a laugh in response.

"We actually got you something as well" Nikita spoke up, forcing everyone's attention on her. "Don't" Archie warned with a raised finger and eyebrows. "I will give it to him." "Then go get it for god's sake" she said as she rolled her eyes and gestured her hands in the air.

Archie got up and grabbed a present that was wrapped in black paper. Ace opened it to reveal a black gun with magazine.

"Niceee" he said as he took it out and a smile formed on his face. "Thank you guys" he said into the group and some nodded their heads in response.

"What have you done to him? He never smiles or says thank you" Brandon said in a serious tone and suddenly the mood in the room shifted. Ace's and my gaze immediately snapped to him before Archie cleared his throat.

"What are you referring to?" Ace asked in a harsh tone, I could see him getting angry. "Ace just leave it" Archie said trying not to let the situation escalate but it was already too late when Brandon spoke up again.

"Some of the members think you're getting too soft" he answered hesitant causing Ace's expression to darken.

"Too soft" he repeated as he nodded his head in understanding. "Does anyone else think so?" he then asked into the group causing everyone to still. "Answer me" he got louder and more urgent, his voice was demanding.

"It is only the people in his squad" Nikita said as she looked at Brandon who glared at her. She shrugged her shoulders at him innocently.

"Do you know what Brandon?" Ace spoke up forcing the attention on him. "I won't do anything today because this was a good day so far. But tomorrow we will fight and I will put you back in your fucking place where you belong. Your squad lacks of loyalty and that is where the problem here is. You're weak. You don't trust me and neither does your squad so you have 2 options. You either fight me and serve me loyal again from now on or you leave. It's that easy" he hissed at Brandon with his index finger pointing at him offensively.

The room went completely still. The air was so thick you could cut through it with a knife.

"Now get out" he continued but Brandon didn't move. "GET THE FUCK OUT" he roared through the room causing his opponent to flinch and then leave in a hurry.

"Do you guys want to play cards?" Cullen asked and everyone smiled at him in reassurance so he got up and grabbed the deck of cards from the living room.

After 3 rounds of Ace winning they started a fourth game. "Excuse us for a minute" Ace spoke up as he got on his feet. I gave him a confused look as I got up as well.

I immediately regretted it though. The amount of alcohol I drank didn't fit my tolerance causing my head to get dizzy. I stumbled backwards on a instant and was lucky to have Ace and Archie next to me, whose tolerance was way higher than mine was.

"Wow" Archie burst out as he grabbed my upper arm and got up, so did Ace. "Slow down with the alcohol, Malmal" he joked and I smacked his side as a chuckle escaped my mouth, we both knew he urged me to drink more. "Shut it."

He threw me a wink as Ace put his arm around me and lead me outside. He closed the front door while I walked over to the wooden railing of the porch.

The air was cold and a cool breeze brushed past me gently, sending shivers down my spine. My face felt hot as it was met with the fresh atmosphere and I inhaled deeply, taking in all the oxygen surrounding us.

"Mal" Ace suddenly spoke up to break the silence and I opened my eyes and turned to face him.

"I don't know how to say this" he chuckled and I got curious as he fiddled with something in his pocket. With furrowed brows and my eyes squinted into slits I watched him, trying to read what was going on in his head.

"I know our parents arranged this marriage and I didn't like it in the first place to be honest. But you somehow managed to creep your way into my heart without me even noticing it. And before I realized it, I fell in love with you. You did something to me, Mal. Something no one else has done before and I think it's only fair to give you a real proposal" he stopped and got down on one knee.

I gasped and covered my mouth as the realization kicked in. "No Ace, this is your birthday. Don't-" "And that is why I, Ace Rodrigues, ask you, Mallory Morozov, do you want to marry me?" he interrupted me as he took out a little box from his pocket and snapped it open. Inside there was the most beautiful silver ring with a little diamond on it.

I looked at him in shock with my eyes wide open after my mouth dropped. I didn't know what to say or do.

"This is the part where you say yes because you have no other choice" he explained forcing a laugh to escape my mouth.

"Yes. Yes!" I said, almost yelled with the biggest smile stretched across my face before he got up and hugged me. Never have I ever felt this amount of happiness and fulfillment in my heart. It felt like it was about to explode because I was sure it wouldn't have the capacity to hold this amount of happiness without exploding.

In that very moment I actually loved our parents for arranging this marriage. Because otherwise, I wouldn't have met him.

He took the ring out of the box and slipped it on my finger. It fitted perfectly and it was so beautiful. It was the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

"Thank you" I said as I hugged him again, taking in his smell like a drug. "I love you" he whispered causing me to back up and look at him in shock. Did he just say 'I love you'?

"I- Did you just-" "Yes for fucks sake I love you, Mal" he blurted out, causing my heart to melt in my chest.

We went back in hand in hand and I couldn't suppress the smile on my face no matter how hard I tried. As I sat back down on my chair, Ace joined the card game and I unobtrusively tapped Archie's outer thigh causing him to look at me.

I gestured my eyes down to my hand to show him the ring. A smile formed on his face and I could tell he already knew what Ace was up to. He elbowed my side and we both smiled happily before turning our attention back to the game.

Oh my what a cute couple they make aahhhh! And of course Archie knew it hahahha

I hope you enjoyed todays chapters!

And as always, have a great day/night! See you❤️

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