Chapter 64

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Mallory's pov
"I want him to come with me," I argued once again. They found that the hematoma got bigger and affected my second cranial nerve which is responsible for one's vision. In other words: they needed to do surgery and remove the hematoma in order for me to see again.

'What's the problem with that?' you might ask yourself.
The problem was that Ace was not allowed to come with me during the anesthesia process. I have a hell of a fear when it comes to surgery so I wanted him to stay with me only until I'd fall asleep. I've been trying to explain that to this stupid nurse for 5 minutes but she claimed it's 'not possible'.

"M'am I'm really sorry but he has to wait in the waiting area. Just like everyone els-" "You already said that a thousand times and I already told you that I won't. Go. Alone," I interrupted her in a snappy voice.

I hated hospitals and I hated being alone in them even more. Especially when I knew a doctor was about to cut open my scalp and remove a part of my brain - if you want to exaggerate it.

"Okay, love," Ace placed his hands on my shoulders, probably facing me. "I'll be there when you're done but you really have to let them do their job." His voice was calm and thick. It had a relaxing effect on me.

"Fine," I slumped my shoulders after a few seconds of considering silence as I let out a sigh. "Promise me to be there when I wake up."

He planted a kiss on my forehead, followed by my requested promise. "Always."

Ace's pov
I stayed in the room until they brought her out. I felt like it made her feel more certain about the fact that I'd be there....even if I knew this might not be possible.

After she was out I rushed through the corridor, hoping to still catch Ben. And I did.

"Ben," I said, running after him. He turned to face me in response, waiting for me to go on. "How long will it take?" "I can't say that. A few hours, maybe 3 or 4? But she will need another 1 to 2 to wake up. We can give you a call when we're done," he said more to himself than me.

"That would be nice," I said, already turning around but stopping halfway. "Oh and Doc," my words caused him to lock urgent eyes with me, waiting for me to finish because he needed to go. "Don't shave her head."

The ghost of a smile formed on his wrinkly face. "We won't," he said before rushing off. I did the same. I rushed out of the hospital while calling Cullen.

Right when I walked through the door, he picked it up. "Yo," he said. There was music playing in the background. "They're doing surgery right now," I said, a frown forming in between my brows. "Where the fuck are you?" I asked confused.

The answer that I got was not the one I wanted to hear - a girl giggling in the background. And then ruffling.

"Cullen," I said in a demanding voice. "Huh?" "Get your ass over here." I swear to god I could feel anger rise in the pit of my stomach. Not a good one. I was already angry enough because of Jack.

"Give me a minute-" "NOW," I growled into the phone before hanging up. If this motherfucker didn't show up in the following minutes, I was going to get violent.

A good 10 minutes later he did show up. But when I went to open the door of the passenger's side, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a girl sitting in the seat. Obviously a prostitute judging by her outfit.

"What is that?" I asked annoyed, gesturing my hand at her. Cullen's eyes twitched between the both of us for a few seconds before I realized that he had forgotten her name.

Her jaw dropped as a look of fright and anger formed on her face. Then she let out a disbelieving scoff. "You forgot my name?!"

I looked at Cullen, waiting for his reaction and when he saw the corners of my mouth twitch he let out the laugh he tried so desperately to hold in.

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