Chapter 32

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(play the song if you want to :) )

As I looked down I saw the familiar tattoos and smiled. "What are you doing?" I asked trying to free myself but his grip just got tighter as he pulled my body against his muscular one.

"I decided I need a shower as well. And who's gonna protect you? You seem to attract the evil for some reason" his deep voice muttered into my ear before I felt gentle kisses on my neck and shoulder.

His whole body was warm and caused a comfortable feeling to wash over me since I was still undercooled from the cold weather and my wet clothes.

Shivers ran down my spine at his touch, I closed my eyes and my lips formed a slight smile as I got more and more comfortable with him kissing me.

"Can I try something?" he suddenly asked before continuing his kisses and I nodded in response. His one hand held firmly onto my waist while his other slowly made its way down my belly. I expected him to stop before he reached my pussy but he didn't.

Instead he instantly found my clit and started gently rubbing it with one finger. Slight moans escaped my lips causing him to put more pressure. "Tell me if you want me to stop" he muttered into my ear and before I could answer he inserted one finger into my wet pussy.

My moans suddenly got louder and I couldn't even do anything about it. After a few pushes he inserted another one and then started to rub my clit with his palm.

He then grabbed my hips and turned me around before pressing me against the cold wall and kissing me. The kiss was not as passionate as the one earlier that morning. It was more harsh, almost like he has been wanting to do it the whole day, and so have I.

He picked me up and walked out of the bathroom, not interrupting our kiss in the course. The floor was wet and so were the bedsheets as he threw me onto his bed and towered over me. I pulled him in by his neck and kissed him again.

The fact that our naked bodies were this close made me crazy, even though they were not touching yet.

I wrapped my legs around him and tried to pull him closer but he resisted. I stopped and looked at him confused.

"Mal, you have to know that I won't stop once I've started" he stated causing me to chuckle at the memory of my dream. "What's so funny?" he snapped at me. "Nothing" I shook my head and kissed him again.

He interrupted the kiss again and I sighed. "Seriously, we don't have to do that now. If you're not ready."
"Oh for fucks sake just fuck me, Ace"

And with that he closed the gap between us as his gaze darkened into a desirous one. He put a condom on and thrusted his hard dick into my wet pussy. I moaned loudly in pleasure. It hurt but in a good way. My nails dug into his muscular back causing him to go even harder and moan in the course.

"You have no idea how good you feel" his deep voice filled my ears. I kissed him again and he slowly removed his lips from mine and moved them down to my neck. I threw my head back in pleasure as I arched my back.

One of his hands slid down my waist and grabbed my hip harshly to hold it in place. I pulled on his hair and then moved my hands to cup his face and bring his lips against mine again.

He did so and grabbed my breast with the hand that was on my hip. With his thumb he played with my nipple making me even more horny.

"Fuck Ace" I moaned in pleasure. With every thrust he made he reached my spot and I was on the edge of finishing.

"Come and let me hear how much you enjoy me" he said in a demanding tone. His hand wandered down to my pussy and circled my clit as he went harder and faster.

My nails dug into his back again, leaving scratches in the act and I moaned loudly, almost screamed as I finished.

He pulled out and took the condom off. Then he lay down next to me. My head was resting on his chest that rose and sunk at his heavy breaths while he stroked my hair with one hand. My heart was racing.

We had so many mysteries to solve such as who Anne or Tesla was, who the woman was and who she belonged to, what they wanted from us, if my family was involved in this, how Jack was involved in all of this.

But in that moment, all that mattered to me was the boy next to me. The boy I was supposed to marry.

Ace Rodrigues.

"Are you hungry?" he suddenly spoke up. I leaned on my elbow and looked at him with a smile.

"Get dressed" he demanded with the same smile before he put on some comfortable clothes and left the room.

I got up and grabbed the outfit he placed on his armchair. It was some black leggings with a black turtleneck and a long knitted cardigan.

I blow dried my hair and made my way out of his room. I smelt like him because I used his shampoo and perfume. I loved his smell. It made me the most comfortable I've ever felt.

I always thought my mom's scent was the only one that would ever make me feel so safe. But with Ace's it was different. The feeling was even more intense.

In the hallway I could hear his voice coming from the kitchen so I approached him. He was on the phone, leaning on the counter with his free hand. It seemed like he was looking at something lying in front of him.

When I came closer I recognized it as a menu.

"What do you want?" he asked under his breath as he slid the card towards me. I looked at it for a second but I already knew what I wanted.

"Hello, I'm Elijah Fernandez. I'd like to order some food.....Yes, exactly" he looked at me, waiting for me to tell him what I wanted so I pointed at it.

"The number 7, number 12 and the pizza bread.....Yes that's it. Thank you" he said before he hung up.

"Elijah Fernandez" I said with a laugh as I nodded my head in understanding. "Did you think I'd order something to my house with my real identity?" he asked with a smile. He was right. I already knew that people connected to a Mafia liked to use fake IDs. It was pretty common.

"What do you want to do?"

"Can you teach me a card game?" I asked earning a surprised look from him. "Yeah I can do that" he laughed before walking over to the living room.

"Sit down. I prepared a hot water bottle for you" he stated as he grabbed a deck of cards.

After a while the food arrived so we ate and watched a movie. I fell asleep on the couch, in his arms.

If someone were to tell me that I'd ever say the following words I would've laughed at their face.
But I had a great time with Ace Rodrigues.

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