Chapter 8

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I was walking to our local park a few days later, waiting for Jack. He agreed with my plan, though it was very hesitantly and threatened to cut my tongue out if I told Vera about it. First of all, what the fuck was he so paranoid about? It wasn't like he owed Vera loyalty. Second of all, I wasn't going to tell her that the guy she fucked was secretly screwing her mom, too. Probably even with only hours in between.

As I turned a corner in one of the more suspicious alleys of our city, I heard a whistle from a corner across the street. Oh perfect. An older man, probably in his 50s was leaning against the wall of it. He was wearing a dark grey suit, seemingly unbothered by the cold snow falling from the sky even though he wore no jacket. And I had to pass him.

Rolling my eyes, I speed-walked past him while glaring at him from the side. I was almost past him when he addressed me. "Hey little girl, you got a second?" Little girl? Seriously? I ignored him, readying myself for an eventual attack. There was a multitude of reasons why he addressed me.

Could have been because of my outfit, which consisted of dark grey straight leg jeans, a white turtleneck and a winter jacket - basic reason for a man to hit on a 16 year old girl, apparently.

Or it could've also been one of my dad's rivals, which is why I was extra careful. Didn't need to get myself kidnapped, especially from someone in the Mafia or any other gang; and we lived in a city with many of them.

"Hey," he called after me when I was already 4 steps away and that was when I started to hear footsteps behind me. "Walk your sexy little ass over here, will you?" "Oh fuck off you pervert!" I knew it was a bad idea. A very very bad one but I couldn't hold it in any longer. Men like him piss me off on another level.

"I'd much rather fuck," he made a quick pause,"that sweet little pussy of yours," he countered, making my blood boil. I stopped in my tracks, unable to even turn around before he went on.

"Now come here and let me-" before he could finish, I put on a fake smile walking up to him. I grabbed the knife that I carried and he slammed against the wall behind him from the force I attacked him with. He was taller than me but I did stand a chance anyways.

His eyes darted to somewhere behind us and I knew immediately there was someone else, ready to shoot, should I hurt him.
So he was a rival.
"Who are you?" I asked and when he didn't answer, I pressed the knife deeper against his throat to the point where it broke skin.

"You'll learn that soon enough," is all I heard before a big ass hand covered my mouth from behind me, pulling me away from the fat man. I took a swing, readying myself to bring the knife to the person's thigh but was stopped midway. Before I could defend myself, the man grabbed my knife and held it to my throat, pointed dangerously close to my vocal cords.

"Scream and I'll enable you of doing so ever again," a deep voice muttered into my ear, his hot breath fanning the sensitive skin right below it. "What's your name?" he asked but added after a pregnant pause. "Same goes for lying by the way."

Slowly, he uncovered my mouth, pinning the knife closer to my skin, it was already slicing me, to bring home his point. "Speak," he barked when I didn't say anything, causing me to flinch. "Niveen," I answered, trying to steady my voice. I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of knowing that he scared me.

"Your last name-" "Is none of your business," I suddenly heard a familiar, deep voice echoe behind us. Startled, the guy holding me turned us to face no one other than Jack.

"W- What are you doing here?" he asked with a wobbly voice. I must admit, there are worse things than being held at gunpoint by Jack. His tatted hands held firmly onto his black gun, making his veins pop and I could only imagine the body and tattoos hiding under his tight fitting hoodie.

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