Chapter 35

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The door to Ace's office opened and him and Cullen immediately pulled out their guns when they saw Jack sitting in Ace's chair. I was standing at the other end of the desk.

"Mallory come here" Ace said as he pulled me behind him by my arm. "Your chair is very comfortable, I gotta admit" Jack said with a smirk while leaning back effortlessly. "What are you doing here?" Ace hissed at him, gesturing his gun further to Jack.

"Babe stop. I brought him here" I intervened by stepping in front of him and lowering the gun with my hand. His gaze shifted to me ever so slightly but kept fixated on Jack 99% of the time. "What do you mean you brought him here?"

"She wanted to see who has the bigger dick-" "Jack" I hissed at him. "What did you just say?" Ace yelled, raising his gun again. Jack raised his arms and laughed in amusement. "He will work for us from now on" I stated in a calm voice, hoping Ace wouldn't lose it any second.

"For? I thought we said with" Jack cussed. "You will work with us when we're sure that you won't double-cross us" I replied, turning my attention to Jack before quickly turning it back to Ace who looked furious.

"Get out. I want to have a word with my fiancé" Ace demanded, not taking his eyes off his brother. Cullen and Jack got out rather reluctantly than willing.

"What the fuck were you thinking? I told you he can't come back and yet you still bring him here and let him sit in my chair" Ace hissed at me quietly. "You said it yourself. We need new members and Jack belonged to this Mafia once already. He can help us" I explained myself but Ace looked away in disbelief and frowned at me.

"Honey I don't think you understand what will happen if my father finds out about this. He will kill him and you as well for bringing him back" Ace said and my heart skipped a beat. "He won't because you won't let that happen. This will be your Mafia in two weeks anyway so what's the problem?"

"I won't let it happen but if he comes back before my birthday-" "We'll just hide Jack. Your father barely comes here so how would he know? You're doing all the paperwork anyway" I interrupted him and he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Get out."

"What?" I said as my face dropped. "I said get. out." "Are you serious right n-" "GET THE FUCK OUT MALLORY" he roared through the room.

I flinched in fear but before I could say something the door was opened. "Everything okay?" Cullen asked but his face dropped when he saw how scared I was. Tears were welling up my eyes as I limped out as fast as I could and the next thing I heard was the door to the office being closed again.

As I turned a corner I slid down against a wall and hugged my legs. I was no longer able to hold my tears back and sobbed as I buried my face in my arms. To top it all off my ankle started hurting like crazy because I walked around the whole day which made me sob even more.

I looked up as I heard footsteps approaching me and that was when I saw Jack approaching me. He sat down next to me before we both sat there in silence.

"I'm sorry he yelled at you because of me. He must mean a lot to you" he stated causing me to look up at him. "No it's fine. It's my fault. I knew how he would react" I shoved it off before staring back into the air in front of me.

"You just wanted to help-" "Let's go" Cullen interrupted him causing us to snap our gazes towards him.

Jack sighed as he got up and the next thing I saw was Cullen escorting Jack outside. Jack winked at me and I really wanted to smile at him for trying to hype me up but I just couldn't.

I took a deep breath and wiped my face with the sleeves of my sweater, then I got up and limped to the training hall. I grabbed my laptop and put it in my bag. As I was walking back out Archie approached me. "Hey what's wrong?" "Ask Ace but at your own risk" I mumbled, not even glancing at Archie.

At home I went to my room and locked the door. Then I went to the bathroom to get ready. I washed up and brushed my teeth, still crying before I approached my bed.

I turned down the blanket so I could get in and that was when I saw Ace's t-shirt that I wore the previous night.

I grabbed it and put it on, it smelt like his perfume and as his scent reached my nostrils I started crying again.

I expected Ace to knock at my door and apologize just like he did that the last time but he never came.

And then I fell asleep, without him.

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