Chapter 10

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When I was lying in bed later that night I realized that I still had Ace's hoodie hanging on my chair. I quickly got up and sneaked through the dark, quiet house to give it back.

I knew I didn't have to - especially not at 1 a.m.. I just searched for an excuse to see him and was in total denial.

When I reached his room my heart started to pound like crazy. What the fuck was I doing anyway? He was probably asleep. When have I become such a creep?

I was about to leave again when I heard footsteps approach the hallway I was in. My heart dropped and I was so scared of someone seeing me in front of Ace's room in the middle of the night that I thought I had no other choice. Especially if it was Dominic. Ace wouldn't hear a thing.

I quickly opened the door and rushed in before closing it as quietly as possible. My heart was pounding even harder now and I tried so hard to control my breathing that quickened with every second that passed.

On tip toes I sneaked over to Ace's armchair and hung the hoodie over one of the armrests. Then I sneaked back to the door wondering how I managed not to wake him up already.

I put my ear against the wooden door and tried to listen to what was happening behind it. The footsteps were coming closer and closer before they suddenly stopped right in front of the room.

My heart skipped a beat and I took a few steps back in case the door would open any second. I covered my mouth with my hands so my breathing would be silent. It didn't really help so I held my breath.

After a few seconds the person behind the door walked away again and when I wasn't able to hear them anymore I quietly exhaled in relief. Who was that?

I sneaked over to the door again but right as I was about to turn the knob I heard the bedsheets ruffle. I stopped moving and held my breath for a few more seconds - which was considerably hard by then.

"If there's any weird kink or mental illness I need to know about or an immense urge to kill me, perhaps, please let me know before the wedding," I suddenly heard his deep, sleepy voice tease me. I jumped and turned in shock, putting my hand above my heart that was now officially skipping more beats than a healthy person could endure without serious damage.

"Do you want me to die?" I whispered snappy. "I could ask you the same thing," he said before turning on the lamp on his nightstand. The light made me squeeze my eyes and blurred my vision.

"What on earth are you doing in my room?"

"I was bringing you your hoodie," I explained innocently while pointing to the chair. I could feel my cheeks burn and probably turn a bright red from the embarrassment. He looked over to the chair and then me confused and with furrowed eyebrows.

"And what exactly possessed you that you couldn't wait until tomorrow?" he asked even more confused. I couldn't find an answer so I just looked at him in embarrassment, feeling even more blood shoot up to my cheeks.

"Was that all?" he looked at me with a raised brow, waiting for an answer and probably still trying to get my point.

"Yes, why?"

"You're still here."

I looked down at myself and then back to him before slowly nodding my head with pursed lips.

"I'll just....I'll go now," I said, pointing my thumb to the door behind me and nodding my head awkwardly.

"Okay," he shrugged his shoulders before turning on his back with his hands under his head.

My face dropped as my eyes met his muscular body. The light accentuated every bulge that raised out of his sixpack along with his muscular chest, shoulders and arms. He was breathtaking all together. Not just the face. Surely, only God could create something like that.

This bitch is testing me every day, I swear.

"Mallory," his voice pulled my gaze away from his body to his face.
"You're still here," he nodded his head toward me, making me realize I was staring for the past fifteen seconds.

"Oh I- I'm sorry I-"
"Okay you either keep standing over there or you move your ass in here," he interrupted my hesitant attempts to explain myself.

"Yeah right I'll- What did you just say?" I asked in shock as the realization kicked in.

"Oh for fucks sake," he swore as he got up and approached me.
He easily picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and before I could say anything, I was lying in his bed next to him.
Due to the complete shock i was in, I just let him do whatever he wanted.

He tucked me in and then turned his back on me and said,"Good night, sleep well," before turning the light off. I was just lying on my back, stiff with my arms and legs straight, not daring to move or say a word with my eyes wide open.

After about three minutes I started to relax a little. When I heard his breath getting slower and more steady I knew he was asleep. I finally made up the courage to shift to a more comfortable position and turned my back on him. My eyelids got heavier and eventually I fell asleep.

In. Ace's. Fucking. Bed.

I woke up in the middle of the night laying on my back and with a heavy weight on my chest. Ace's arm was resting on me with his hand laying in between my tits.

I wanted to move his arm away but looking into his face, I couldn't. He was laying on his stomach and his other arm was resting next to his head. He looked so peaceful and relaxed I just couldn't interrupt his sleep. I wondered if he had difficulties with that from time to time.

A gentle smile appeared on my face but it quickly dropped and my body stiffened again as his hand moved up and cupped the one side of my face.

After a few seconds I realized how weird and random this whole situation was and I couldn't help but laugh. I tried so hard to hold it back but then I gave up, breaking out in a full fit of laughter.

Of course he woke up and instantly pulled his hand away.

"You think that's funny? Wait until that hand makes you struggle with your breathing," he snapped threateningly and I laughed even harder.
I didn't think what he said was funny, I just didn't know how to handle the situation.

My laughing stopped when he suddenly turned and I found myself underneath him the next second. His hands were placed next to my head and my legs had somehow opened so he could get between them.
I could practically feel his eyes on me and that made me even mire nervous.

Of course, this wasn't my first time finding such a situation.
Just never with Ace Rodrigues.

"I see you already opened your legs for me," he said, his voice suddenly more devilish and dangerous than ever.
And I was more than glad about the darkness because I was for sure turning redder than a ripe tomato.

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