Chapter 24

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I walked to the door and as soon as it closed behind me I sprinted to the third floor and entered Archie's office with the key he gave me.

I wasted no time and searched for the folder. It did not take me long to spot one with 'trainees' written on the label. I pulled it out of the shelf it was standing in and lay it on Archie's desk.

Anne's and Tesla's files were right in the front like Archie put them next to each other on purpose.

My body froze as I compared the two files lying in front of me.

They looked almost exactly the same. The deep icy blue eyes, the thin lips, the edgy nose. Even the height, weight and pale skin color was exactly the same. Everything except for the hair. While Tesla's hair was a little shorter and platinum blonde, Anne's hair was brown and at shoulder length.

So that is why she looked so familiar to me.

My heart skipped a beat when the door opened but it was just Archie. I let out a sigh of relief as he closed the door and approached me.

"They look exactly the same" I stated the obvious and Archie just nodded his head yes. "I'm not a 100% sure if it's her but it could be."

"It's definitely her. She's been acting weird since the day she came here and I already thought she looked familiar to me" I said confidently but also in shock.

"Have you talked to Ace about it yet?" he asked to which I responded by shaking my head no. "I mean I told him that something's off but he didn't believe me."

"We will have to wait until we have evidence. Until then, act as unsuspicious as possible around her. She will make a mistake at some point and that is gonna be our chance to expose her and her real intentions" he instructed me and I nodded in understanding.

We left the office one after the other to not seem suspicious and went back to the training hall.

"Where have you been?" Ace asked as he approached me. I looked around to find Anne fighting with a boy and then looked up at my fiancé again. "I had to pee" I said before walking over to another girl that seemed to struggle with the blades.


Ace and I were sitting at the dinner table in silence until we finished. We have not had any time for just the two of us since the new trainees came in and it sucked. I wanted to spend time with him but we were either too tired or busy. And since we did not share a bedroom we barely saw each other at home.

The silence reminded me of my family and how we always ate in silence when my father was moody again. I asked myself if my mother and brothers were doing well because I have not heard anything from them since the day I moved out.

When dinner was over I took a shower and decided to ask Ace to watch a movie with me. I approached his room but he was not in there.

After checking almost every room in the big mansion I reached the gym and saw him doing some pull ups.

His bare upper body was covered in droplets of sweat. That man was pure muscle and I couldn't help but admire the view and the way the muscles on his back, shoulders and arms tensed every time he pulled himself up.

I wanted to quietly close the door again when Ace hopped down to the ground and spoke up. "What do you need?"

I tried to focus on his face but could not help but glance down on his muscular chest and Sixpack every few seconds. My eyes followed his tattooed and veiny hand's movements as he brushed it through his wet, dark blonde hair and then grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat off his face.

"Mallory, you're staring" he stated, causing me to snap back to reality and look to the ground in embarrassment.

"I wanted to ask if you want to watch a movie but I didn't mean to distract you, sorry" I said. "I'll take a shower. Pick a movie okay?" he answered forcing a smile on my face. "Okay" I said as I ran up the stairs into the living room.

"What are we watching?" I heard Ace's deep voice chime as I sat on the couch waiting for him.

"Dirty Dancing" I answered as he walked past me and sat down next to me, his arm rested behind me again. I did not know whether he just liked his arm resting like that or if it was his way of showing me that he possessed me. Even though we were not even in a real relationship.

A few minutes in he frowned at the scene where Baby and Johnny practiced the dance. "What?" I asked in annoyance. "This is just so typical. I mean who the fuck-" I interrupted him by shushing and then turned the volume up.

And I was already wondering why he did not complain by now.

He smacked the back of my head at my ignorance and I looked up at him. "How dare you" I said before pushing his head away from me with my hand, laughing and even he could not suppress a little smile.

We continued with the movie and about halfway through I felt his hand working it's way to the back of my neck. He gently stroked my skin with his thumb before working his fingers up my head, sending shivers down my spine.

He started massaging the back of my head and I hummed in enjoyment as I leaned my head back against his hand and closed my eyes.

"You like that?" he asked and I nodded my head yes. He shifted closer until his body was against mine and put more pressure on the massage. Ridden by the enjoyment I rested my head on his shoulder and my knees were laying on his lap.

His free hand was resting on my knees when I noticed his head turning slowly to face me.

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