Chapter 15

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The number you have dialed is not available. Please- "Fuck!" I screamed as I threw my phone across the room. I was at Ace's house, making sure Mallory was alright. After Ace was brought to the hospital, I carried her back to the car and home. She's been in his room ever since. It's been 2 days. I don't think she even ate let alone drank something.

Niveen's phone has been turned off since I left. I didn't know where she was and whether she was avoiding me on purpose or involuntarily. All I knew was that I was fucking worried about her.
Vera was gone, too. They weren't at her house, I've checked multiple times, nor were they at Niveen's. So what the fuck was going on? The only way I could explain this was that either, they ran away - which wouldn't have made any sense at all - or they were kidnapped. Probably on their way to the Morozov's house. And it fucking terrified me.

I even checked if her father had anything to do with it but he was innocent, at least this time. And that scared me even more. Because contrary to that, I would've known where they are and could've helped them. But not knowing where Niveen was and if she was even alive-

I had to distract myself. Think of something else before I was going to go on a rampage. As if the Gods had heard me, Archie came running down the stairs and into the living room I was standing in.

"Hey I need to-" he casually said, jogging in before he came to a halt. "What happened?" he asked confused, his eyes flicking between my broken phone and me.
"It pissed me off," I said nonchalantly, going to pick it up. The screen was cracked and colored a deep green with vertical streaks of red, blue and yellow. Perfect.

"Just remember that if you break anything you didn't pay for, you'll be the next Rodrigues in the hospital," Archie said with a mocking undertone. It took all in me not to smack that smirk off his face. "What do you want?" I asked annoyed, referring to the sentence he didn't finish when he came in.

"I'll be gone for a few hours. Maybe 2 or 3. Just make sure the house doesn't burn down and Mallory stays alive," he answered as he was walking out.
One day, I thought to myself. One day I'll punch the shit out of him. When no one looks.

Vera was out, talking to Archie. The hut wasn't well isolated which means I heard everything they said.

"And then she-" Archie cut himself off. Whatever he was going to say, it wasn't good. "What did she do Archie?" Vera urged her new-found friend to speak. "She killed your father," he said in a quieter voice, almost as if he was hoping for her not to hear it.
A few seconds passed without any reaction. Then, Vera spoke. "How?" she whispered. "A shot in the head."

Another few seconds, and Vera shoved it off, probably not wanting to think about it right now. "And other than that? What happened? Are Ace and Mallory dead?"
My blood boiled from the immediate rage I felt toward her. She was the one coming up with this whole plan of protecting my sister only to get closer to me. Did she really care that little about me and our friendship?

"Ace is in the hospital, Mallory is well - at least physically," Archie spoke with a careful tone. There was something he left out. Even I could hear that and I didn't even need to see his face for it. "What else?" Vera asked. "It's- Something else....happened." "God just fucking tell me, Archie," Vera sounded impatient. Which was relatable now that-

"They killed your mother," said Archie finally.

My heart stopped for a good second. Time stilled. Both of Vera's parents died. And even though that was the original plan, I could only partly be happy that it actually worked. I was proud of Jack and Ace and Mal and everyone involved in this. But no matter what Vera did, she was still important to me. She mattered.

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