Chapter 66

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"Look if this is about Jack again-" I started, making it clear that I was annoyed, when Vera interrupted me. "It's not about Jack. At least not directly. It's about Niveen."

"Alright," I sighed in annoyance, turning around to go upstairs but I got interrupted once again.

"What about her?" Archie, whom I haven't even noticed standing at the other end of the staircase, asked.

"Archie," Ace said surprised as his best friend made his way down the stairs. "Don't you think she should get some rest?" Archie muttered to Ace by the time he reached us.

My gaze switched between the 2 of them as I realized the pain from the surgery kicking in slowly.

"I don't feel so good," I said, forcing everyone's attention on me. "I'll bring you to bed," Ace stated before bringing his arm around my shoulders and leading me into his room.

Originally, I intended to sleep in my room but I was tired of talking and even more tired of arguing so I figured I'd go on with our fight tomorrow.

Ace helped me change into one of his t-shirts and boxers before re-braiding my hair so that it would not move the bandages out of their place. He then made me lay down and tucked me in.

"Can I maybe have some water, please?" I asked as I let myself sink into the pillow underneath my head. "Already brought that," Ace gave me a wink and I had to physically stop myself from smiling. I was still mad.

"If you need anything, I'll be just a phone call away," he assured, placing my phone onto the nightstand next to my side of the bed.

"Wait so you're not coming into bed with me?" "I have a business to run, Baby," he said in a calm voice, causing my heart to sink in my chest. He sounded like it was the most normal thing on earth to prefer the Mafia over me.

"Is there anything else you need?" I didn't answer so he went in for a kiss with a despairing sigh. I turned my head away with my arms crossed, causing him to stop for a second and then stroke my cheek with his thumb before leaving.

"I need a boyfriend," I muttered under my breath before a single tear slipped out of my eye.

It's been 2 weeks since I had surgery. I was in bed the whole time except for when I went to the doctor or ate something and today was the first day I could get up again.

Warm beams of sunlight were shining onto my face, waking me up. I haven't been able to wash my hair properly so the first thing I did was take a shower and get ready. Then I made my way downstairs.

"Good morning, Beautiful," Ace greeted me as he filled a glass of water. We barely spoke these past weeks. Well, I ignored his attempts. The problem was he didn't even seem to notice or care.

"Your mother called me yesterday. Said your dad wanted to have us at the house on Christmas eve," he informed me.

Bloody hell. Christmas was in only a week.

"We won't be there on Christmas eve if there's anything planned already but we can come in the day after," I said coldly as I opened a tea bag and put it in my mug.

"We don't have anything planned. I think we should go. We could use some quality time with our families," Ace stated, making me face him. We were only inches away. Normally I would've folded right there but I was so angry, I didn't.

"If by 'family' you mean pregnant girl and the abusive psycho? Oh and let's not forget the Ivanov offspring. Seems like you 2 have gotten pretty close the past 2 weeks," I said, trying not to explode from my anger.

A frown formed on Ace's face as he pulled his head back. "What does Vera Ivanov have to do with this?" "I don't know, you tell me. I still don't know what was so important for you to break your promise and leave me completely alone since my surgery."

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