Chapter 26

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"Take that" Archie said as he handed each one of us a little communication device to put in our ears, 'just in case'. And oh god how glad I was about that little thing just a few hours later.

We were ordering a few shots at the bar and then drinks as the club got fuller per minute.

After about an hour I was getting light headed while the boys seemed to be fine. The amount of alcohol was way more for me compared to them.

Cullen was busy flirting and Archie and I were vibing to the music when a nice song came up.

"Oh my god let's go on the dance floor" I suggested overly excited and Archie was in for the idea. Ace hesitated but then agreed, probably just because he did not want other dudes to touch me but it was fine as long as he came with us.

We got on the dance floor and danced along with the others. Archie was having way more fun but Ace still seemed to enjoy it.

I laughed as Archie took my hand and swirled my body around before pushing me against Ace. He grabbed my waist firmly and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

I swung my hips with Ace's hands on them, guiding me, to the beat of the music. "You look good" he said with a smile. "Oh so you do answer my questions but way too late" I laughed causing him to chuckle and look away no where in particular.

After a while I got thirsty so we went back to the bar. I leaned against the counter and looked at my fiancé, we were both completely out of breath.

I glanced to a corner in the club, feeling watched when I saw a dude having his eyes fixated on me. He eyed me up and down and licked his lips in the most disgusting way ever.

"Mallory?" Ace pulled my attention back to him. "Huh?" "You good?" "Uhmm, yeah sure" I said with my eyes still on the guy. "I have to pee, be right back"

When I looked back, the guy was gone. I made my way through the crowd to the washrooms.

When I came back I was fixing my rings when suddenly someone covered my mouth from behind. I wanted to scream but was quick to shut up when I felt the foot of a gun on the side of my stomach.

"I suggest you stay quiet before I shoot you"

It was a deep, husky voice I did not recognize. I held my hands up in surrender and then he dragged me down the stairs by the washrooms.

It was dark but I could see a short hallway with only one door at the end. I knew I had only one chance to escape so when we were about halfway down I kicked the man's foot causing him to trip and we fell down the stairs.

"FUUCK YOU FUCKING BITCH" he screamed at me. My foot twisted in the act and I fell onto my elbow. A stinging feeling erupted through my whole arm to my hand and up to my neck. I winced in pain as I wanted to get up but my ankle hurt just as much.

I did not hesitate to grab my gun but then noticed it was not in my holster anymore. With fear overcoming me I looked around the small hallway we were in and saw my gun a few feet away from me.

I started crawling, ignoring the pain I was in to grab my gun and right when I reached it someone stepped on it, squeezing my hand between their foot and the gun in the act.

My pain stricken scream chimed through the hallway and tears welled up my eyes. Then I felt the guy that dragged me down there hold a gun right against the back of my head.

I stilled, not daring to move in fear. My head shivered from my attempts to stop crying, my nose was dripping.

"If it wasn't for the boss I would have already killed you so don't do anything rash" he warned in a sharp tone.

A uncomfortable silence suddenly filled up the hallway and all I could hear was the music echoing from above.

"So what do we do now?" the guy that was still standing on my hand suddenly asked. "I don't know the transporter was supposed to be here already" the other one said helpless causing me to drop my forehead on the floor with a sigh.

How could they be so unprepared? Even I would have handled that better.

I used the chance to quickly take my dagger out of the other holster and stabbed the man in the leg, causing him to scream in pain and finally let go of my hand.

Then I loaded my gun and shot him, trying to ignore the pain and pulses that were coming from my metacarpal and knuckles.

Right as I wanted to turn around to shoot the other guy another loud shot erupted from behind me. I stopped in my tracks, kneeling on the ground with my hands supporting me.

My breath was heavy and unsteady but then I realized I was not the one who got shot.

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