Chapter 41

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At Starbucks I expected us to stop but instead we sped up over a red traffic light. "Ace" I almost yelled out as I saw a truck heading right into our direction from the side. We crossed the street just in time before it would have hit us. Then we drove into a garage.

"What are we doing here?" I asked confused but Ace ignored my question. "Get out, quick."

We got out and he walked over to a black motorcycle. He handed me a helmet and told me to put it on as he got on the motorcycle and started the engine. I got on as well before I put the darkened windshield down.

Our chauffeur drove out of the garage and we waited exactly 2 minutes before we got out. Ace sped up like crazy and I held on to him tight, scared because I never drove a motorcycle before and he drove like a maniac. We drove the opposite direction and after a while we arrived at home.

"Who was that?" I asked as soon as soon as we were inside. Ace ignored me and took out his phone to dial a number. "This is Elijah Fernandez, can you connect me to the Springbrook hospital please?" I just looked at Ace confused. Wasn't the Springbrook hospital a mental hospital? Why did he call them?

"Hello I'm Elijah Fernandez. Could I talk to my cousin?..........Khalida Brooklyn, that's right.........Why did no one warn me about this? Do you know- Yes for fucks sake I'll call you if I notice anything. Thank you."

Ace looked at his phone with a concerned look on his face. "Who's Khalida Brooklyn?" I asked confused but he ignored me again. Instead of answering my questions he dialed another number and I frowned at him. "I need you to double our security in front of my house and the office" he demanded into the phone before hanging up. "Ace what the fuck is going on?"

"I will explain it to you later but for now you have to trust me. I'll call for a meeting in half an hour with the inner circle and you will join us" he stated in a serious tone and all I could do was look at him confused and follow his instructions.

The following minutes I watched multiple security guards position themselves at every entry to the mansion. There were even some of them inside the house. The inner circle came, including Archie and Cullen and we took a seat in Ace's office room.

"Pleasant day everyone" Ace greeted as he stood up at the end of the table. "I ordered you here today to discuss some recent events. Cullen, did you find out anything new about the woman in cell 60?" he addressed Cullen forcing everyone's attention on him. "No. We're still working on it-" "Then work faster" Ace interrupted while slamming his fist on the desk. I startled and could immediately have face palmed myself for that.

"It appears that Anne Cooper and Tesla Blemish are the same person" he went on while Archie lay out her profile pictures that we take of every trainee. The others had confused expressions plastered over their faces. "But which identity is real?" "Why is she faking her identity in the first place?" "Why did no one notice it?"

Ace looked down at me and stepped back while gesturing his hand for me to take the stand. I hesitated at first. "Archie and me actually did notice it. That's why we spent the past few weeks with research on her background but we didn't find anything until like 4 hours ago. Her real name is Vera Ivanov."

Some of the people in the room gasped at the name. "Stanislav Ivanov's daughter? How'd you find that out?" a brown haired guy asked. I looked at Ace behind me and he nodded in assurance. "She has some classes with my sister and today she had dinner at my old house" I answered, trying to act as confident as possible.

"Wait so your family is involved in this?" Tris asked in shock. "We don't know it for sure yet but we can't exclude it so yes, they might be involved in this as well" I nodded and the room immediately filled with chattering.

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