Chapter 49

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"Defeat them."

I wasted no time and jumped out of the window. No hesitation or second thoughts. I wanted this to finally end.

My body fell for a few long seconds before I landed on the mattress with a thub. It sunk under my weight and I was soon surrounded by the white material rising.

I struggled to climb off but eventually managed to do it and started running into the dark forest after them.

Soon the others caught up with me and the heavy breathing and crackling that reverberated from me and under my feet was joined by similar noises coming from them.

"Where did they go?" Archie yelled but I had no clue. Then suddenly we heard a gunshot in the distance and stopped in our tracks.

Jack pointed his finger up while tilting his head slightly to listen. The echo was coming from the right so he pointed towards it and we started running again.

My legs started getting sore and my breath shorter but I bit myself through the pain, eager to find them.

Then finally we arrived at a old bridge with rails leading over it. A heavy river was running underneath it and the loud rushes of the water drowned out from the ice covering it.

I scanned my surroundings but could not see anything except for the big trees and the wide river that separated the forest in the middle.

Was this all a set up?

I exchanged confused looks with Ace and Archie when suddenly repeated clapping reached my ears.

My head whipped to the direction it was coming from and I saw Nadia.

"Really clever, I must admit. We almost fell for your little trick but something was suspicious. Why would you forget to lock the door to a cell with a prisoner this important?" Nadia frowned her face at the words.

"Where's Stanislav?" Ace asked in a voice full of hatred. "Oh I shot him. I had to draw attention to myself somehow and I didn't want the bullet to go to waste. He was useless anyway" she answered nonchalantly as she waved her hand and shrugged her shoulders.

"You on the other hand" she continued as she addressed Ace "are way more important." "Why's that?" I asked confused forcing her attention on me.

"Because he's too powerful" she said as she approached me suddenly. "He expanded his business way too fast. Every other Mafia is doomed because of him" she yelled, pointing her index finger at Ace behind her.

"But this will come to an end tonight."

I scoffed at her words. "You're more than outnumbered, Nadia. Don't do something you will regret afterwards."

I expected her to try and fight us off on her own but instead a smile stretched across her face. "Did you really think I'd come alone? While your squads are waiting for mine to arrive, I have my support already here" she said before turning her gaze to Jack who was standing a few meters behind me.

I scanned the forest surrounding us but couldn't see anyone which made me panic even more.

"You should really decide which side you're on, Jack" she spat his name with so much venom it shocked me. Before either of us could react she whistled and soldiers charged at us from every direction.

I immediately started shooting at them and we actually managed to defeat some but we were still majorly outnumbered by them.

"Get all the squads to the river by the old rail bridge, the squads are here" Ace yelled into the microphone and I hoped for our teams to arrive as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile one of the fighters approached me and I was quick to shoot him down when another one came from behind and kicked my back.

I stumbled as a incredible pain reverberated along my spine and fell. In the fall I lost the gun but I was surprised when I didn't feel any pain in my hands. The sleeves really protected my palms.

Ignoring the pain in my back I turned and kicked the soldier who was already charging at me. The kick didn't do much to him so he barely looked injured as he climbed on top of me and held me at gunpoint.

I pushed his arm away from me right before a loud gunshot echoed through the air. He missed my head my millimeters causing a loud beep to chime in my ear.

I pinched the skin on his hand so hard that I drew blood and out of shock he let go of the gun that I was holding by the barrel with my other hand. I used my chance and hammered the handle against his temple repeatedly until I knocked him out.

His body fell to the side sloppily and I got up immediately.

Then another one charged at me. He tried to punch me but I easily avoided and blocked his attempts before I made a fist and placed a punch right on his nose.

He backed up in shock while his hands immediately found his nose that was slightly dislocated and leaking of blood.

Driven by anger he jumped towards me and pushed me onto the hard ground again. The sting in my spine came back three times worse and the back of my head hit the snow-covered grass with a impulse.

The man pulled my mask off my head, revealing my face which caused his eyes to gleam in satisfaction. "I've been hoping to catch you" he muttered with a evil smile stretched across his face.

He proceeded to put his hands around my throat and choked me, causing me to gasp for air but nothing reached my lungs.

I kicked the air and tried to separate his hands from my neck but it was no use. He was too strong.

The panic rose in me when suddenly a loud gunshot erupted from behind me and the guy's grip on my throat loosened before blood trickled onto my face and he dropped onto me limply.

I inhaled deeply before I hardly rolled him off me and wiped my face in disgust. As I looked up I saw a hand above my head and when I saw who the hand belonged to, a smile forced itself on my mouth.

"I was wondering when you would arrive" I said with a relieved smile as I grabbed Nikita's hand.

"Defeat them" she demanded in her microphone and our squads stormed the scene from every direction possible. Even from the foot of the river.

We outnumbered Nadia in less than a blink.

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