Chapter 18

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Ace came home from work and freshened up before we left for the fair. He was actually wearing normal clothes for once instead of his suit.

When we arrived at the fair my senses were immediately flooded with different things. The scent of roasted almonds and cotton candy filled my nostrils, the cheers and laughs of kids reached my ears and I couldn't decide where to look first at all the different stands and roller coasters.

We started off at a normal roller coaster and then played basket ball at a stand to win something.

I tried to shoot my shot but failed miserably and then it was Ace's turn. He stroke every thee balls and we won a little brown teddy with a pink bow around it's neck. I was overjoyed at how much fun we had that I didn't notice how late it already was.

"It's eight p.m. already" Ace stated as he took a look at his watch. "Do you want to drive the ferris wheel with me?" I asked excited and he frowned at me. Apparently 'Mafia bosses don't drive the ferris wheel'.

"Pleaseeee" I begged as I grabbed his hand and eventually he gave in. "Fine where's the damn ferris wheel?" he sighed and I jumped in excitement.

We got onto the wheel after a quick wait. The worker that lead us to our wagon winked at Ace and mouthed a 'good luck' to him with a wink. I chuckled at the sight and Ace nodded at him - without smiling once again. I could really kill him for this seriousness sometimes.

I looked out the window but I could feel Ace's gaze on me the whole time as the wheel rose slowly, stopping every once in a while.

"If someone would've told me I'd get on a ferris wheel two weeks ago I would've laughed at him and probably felt insulted" he suddenly spoke up causing me to look at him. "I found your soft spot" I teased him. "Say that again and I won't do things like this with you anymore" he threatened but I could tell he wasn't serious.

I giggled and looked out of the window again when I moved my one foot to touch his. He didn't react but he didn't pull away neither so I guess that was a good sign. I didn't know what it was but I had the constant urge to touch him in some way and feel his presence when I'm with him.

The ride was over quickly and we reached the other end of the theme park. "Why do they require so much money for so little time?" Ace cursed annoyed. "Oh come on. It's not like 15$ are much for you" I frowned as I shoved him.

He shoved me back and when his hand slid down my arm he intertwined our fingers instead of letting go.

I looked at our hands and then up in his face but he kept his gaze fixated on the crowded path in front of us so I looked back with a blush on my face.

There was only one last roller coaster we haven't driven and that was the scary one.

We bought our tickets and got in the line and I started to get uneasier the closer we got. I didn't like the scary ones but Ace insisted on riding it so I had no other choice.

As we were waiting a figure that looked a bit like Chubaka from Star Wars but more scary was standing right next to me. I glanced at it when it suddenly jumped towards me causing me to scream in fear and turn away from it towards Ace almost automatically.

I covered my face with my hands and buried them into Ace's chest and to my surprise he wrapped his arms around me in a protective way.

Ace and the other people in line laughed along with the guy that played the figure at how much I jumped and I couldn't help but chuckle along with them once my heart race steadied again.

"You're a scaredy cat" he said in amusement and I elbowed his side while rolling my eyes. "Shut it, Rodrigues" I said as we reached the end of the line.

"Are you married?" a little girl in front of us suddenly asked causing Ace to look at her confused. "Well" I laughed and looked at Ace who was just as caught off guard as I was.

"Lilly" her mother gasped and covered her mouth. "No it's fine" I said as I smiled at the mother. "We're engaged" Ace stated right as we reached the end of the line and got in.

It started and brought us into the house of the roller coaster where it was completely dark. After a few seconds we reached an isle with different chambers where a variety of scenes were illustrated by figures.

There was one with a body in a guillotine and his head was lying on the ground. Another one showed a long desk with food on it and skeletons sitting around it, having dinner.

Once we were at the end of the isle we drove into a higher level of the house and right at the beginning there was a scull jumping at Ace. I jumped in fear but quickly shoved it off because he was already laughing at me again.

"Are you always this jumpy?" he asked. "No" I lied but he could definitely tell. "Yeah right" he said with a scoff before he rested his arm on the rest behind me.

I fiddled with my hands when suddenly someone screamed and grabbed my shoulders from a dark corner we passed.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, holding on to Ace's arm and even he was startled for a second. The guy let go of me and we reached the end of the roller coaster.

We got off and once we were out of sight Ace stopped and positioned himself in front of me. My body was still shaking in fear. "Everything alright?" he asked and in that moment I started crying, trying to comprehend what just happened.

He looked at me in pity. "Come here" he then said before pulling me in for a hug. His one hand was cupping my head and the other held firmly on to my waist. My arms hugged Ace's strong waist, my face buried in his chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that would happen" he said in regret and I looked up to him. "It's fine, you couldn't know" I said. He wiped my wet cheeks with his thumbs and cupped my face.

Then I started laughing at the fact that I, a 18 year old Mafia daughter, cried because of a scary roller coaster. He started chuckling as well because he knew what I was laughing at.

"I really don't get you sometimes" he said as he shook his head and then we made our way to the exit. On our way we bought some roasted almonds and then we sat in the car.

"I have one last surprise for you" he spoke up as I unbuckled my seat belt. "What is it?" I asked as my face lid up in excitement. "We're going to have a picknick" he answered confident as we got out of the car and closed the doors.

I shot him a confused look. "Ace, we have October....It's cold." "Right. That's why the picknick will be inside" he stated and opened the front door for me to get in. "What?" I laughed but didn't quite get his point. Were we gonna have a picknick in his house?

We walked over to the living room and the smell of fresh Chinese food flooded my nostrils immediately. On the floor there were a few containers with fried pasta, duck and even spring rolls waiting for us with a bottle of wine and a candle lighting up the dim room. Even the fireplace was lid up by a fire quietly crackling in it.

My mouth fell open as I looked at the scene. "Impressed?" he asked as he led me to the little picknick. "That is so cute" I said in complete awe earning a deadly look from him. "Don't call me that" he growled at me but I was too stunned to roll my eyes like usually.

We ate up while chatting a little and then went to our rooms after saying good night.

That was the first day I committed Ace Rodrigues actually having fun. I saw him laugh for the first time and for the first time in the two months I already lived with him I didn't see him as the powerful Mafia leader he was but more as a normal 20 year old guy having fun with his- Okay that part was still weird after all.

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