Chapter 10

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The next weeks were more busy than ever. Jack was with Ace and Mal, preparing the takeout of the Ivanovs. I spent my time with Vera, trying to get as much information as possible. I even had to blow one of the guards for keeping his mouth shut because he caught me snooping around in Stanislav's office. Fucking disgusting.

When we weren't busy with the latter, Jack and I were training nonstop. My skills improved increasingly, even my father noticed that. It didn't stop him from beating me, though. It was just another excuse for him to let his anger out on me. Because even the dumbest person knew I was being trained and he wanted to know by who. I didn't tell him. It was our little secret.

"You need to move faster, Niveen," he demanded sharply. Rolling my eyes, I rearranged my position. We've been going over this movement for at least fifty times already and I still couldn't seem to get the hang of it.
It was the same one that the guy captured me with a few weeks before.

Jack said I was lacking speed, I personally think I was lacking a height and b strength. Because how was I supposed to lift up a 6 feet 4 guy with a body packed with muscle, roll him over my back and then proceed to slam him on the floor without breaking my spine?

"Jack I'm too weak for fucks sake. When will you get this into your head?" I snapped at him, seemingly annoyed and fed up. "Then get stronger," was all he said before grabbing me, again.
We took a few - many - shots before, simply because we were bored and it only now dawned to me how goddamn stupid that was.

I frowned aloud, frustrated as I decided to dodge his demand and try something else. I might not have been strong enough to carry his weight, but I could carry my own.

Jumping to get a start-up, I bent my knees slightly before I jumped, swinging my body up and somehow managed to sit on his shoulders, catching him off guard. I used the little time I had to then swing down backwards. The plan was to catch myself in a handstand, get down and run. Or punch him, I don't know.

But Jack however, had a different idea. He grabbed one of my ankles, swinging me to the front and throwing me to the floor. He got on top of me, pressing my front against the ground.
That didn't work out I guess.

"I don't recall telling you that that's what you're supposed to do," he said in a threatening, low voice. "The other movement works even less," I justified. "How am I supposed to get you over my back without breaking it?" "It works just fine for all of my trainees." "Which consist of pure muscle as well," I countered. "Not only," Jack replied in a harsh tone, feeling offended.

"However much I love you, Jack, this won't ever work. Get it into your damn head," I said, adding spice to the last part. "Watch your mouth, Missy," he threatened, the weight on my back intensifying dangerously. The air was already drifting out of my lungs with minimal chances to get it back in.

"Watch your methods. Maybe they're just as shitty as you are," I spat, getting annoyed to which he didn't respond well.
I felt his hand wrap around my neck, pressing hard before I got pulled up by it, causing a shriek to leave my mouth.

He pushed me away the second I was on my feet. "Alright then," he said, waiting for me to turn around. "You're just as useless as your father." "Excuse me?!" "You heard me," a short pause. "You know what, Niveen? You don't lack heights or speed or strength," he said, looking at me as if I were pathetic. "Oh yeah? Then what do I lack?"
Jack waited for a second, letting the question hang in the thick air before he answered,
"Willpower. You're just as weak as him."

That did the job. I was furious. I hadn't even noticed that I charged at him until my fist aimed for his face. He dodged my attempt, having to duck all over again because there was a storm of punches raining on him and he had to dance in between the drops so he wouldn't get wet.

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