Chapter 12

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"Wake up, we need to go," Ace said as he threw a pile of clothes at my head. My eyes immediately snapped open.

"Must've been a wild dream last night, you were sleeping so uneasy, I was debating on waking you up at some point," he said, closing the belt that was holding his black jeans up.

I sat up and tried to clear my head. I went to his room last night, he took me into his bed and then I fell asleep.

My heart skipped a beat at what I thought had happened afterwards. I immediately lifted up the blanket to see my pajama pants still on. But I could've put them on afterwards. I grabbed my shirt and when I saw that it was still intact I exhaled in relief before letting my upper body fall back again.

I thought it was real for a second.

"Get ready, we're leaving in half an hour," Ace demanded as he walked over to his closet and put on a black, slim fitting T-shirt that accentuated his muscles and showed off his tattooed hands and arms.

"What's that?" I lifted up the bulge of clothes that woke me up. He didn't answer, but instead gave me a what kind of a stupid question is that look and left the room.

As soon as the door was closed, I sat on the edge of the bed and rested my head on my hands.
"Oh my god," I whispered under my breath in both relief and shock before standing up to get ready.

I quickly washed up and put the clothes Ace had given me on.
It was a gym set consisting out of leggings -with a fucking butt-scrunch- and the matching sports bra. Along with that he gave me a cropped, white hoodie and some white sneakers.

At least the outfit was cute.

I made my way down to eat breakfast and we left. It was when we walked through the front door that I noticed it was still dark out.

"What time is it?" I asked confused.

"It's 7 a.m.. We have October, Mallory. It's starting to get colder," he stated like I was stupid for asking that question.

"Oh... Right. And it's Mal," I said as we sat in his car. He chuckled and shook his head. He knew how much I hated it when he called me Mallory. We drove to a tall building about ten minutes away from the mansion where we passed multiple security scans where Ace had his hand and face scanned by a monitor.

We walked through a big front door and into a long hallway with multiple doors at each side. At the end of the hallway was a staircase that led to the next level around a corner. This repeated itself up to the third floor where there were no stairs but an elevator in about the middle of the hallway.

"This elevator leads to the next three floors where we keep people we have with. You can enter every office or room you want as long as they're in the first three floors.

"You won't be able to access the elevator since it only works for me and a few other of my workmen but I just wanted to let you know in case you ever want to try," he winked at me before walking to another room at the end of the hallway; I followed him.

"This," he started as he swung the door of the last room open,"is my office."
Behind the door was a nice set up office with a big window opposite to the entry and a big desk with a lot of documents, pens, an ashtray and a few other random things lying around with absolutely no organization to them.

"Wow," I said, impressed by the mess on his desk as I walked over to it to inspect it further.

"Keep the comment to yourself," he warned as he closed the door.

"If you ever need anything, I'll be in here. If that's not the case you can go to the offices beside mine. That's the ones from Archie and Cullen. They lead the mafia if I'm not available so you can go to them with any concern and they'll know what to do. I'd still prefer you coming to me in the first place," he explained as I looked around the room.

I turned around and yawned extra loud.
"Yeah will we go on to the fun part now?"

"Careful, I'll destroy you in the combat ring if you don't drop that attitude," he warned with raised brows before opening the door and gesturing his hand for me to walk out.

We got on the second floor. It had way less doors than the first and third one. Ace opened one of them for me and revealed a big hall separated in different areas.

"This is our training hall. On this side we practice everything that includes weapons like daggers, throwing blades etc and on the other side, my personal favorite, we do combat fights, kickboxing, boxing and so on," he explained as he showed me each section of the big hall.

"The gym is next door and the shooting hall is opposite to this room," he went on as he turned to me. "Any questions?"

"Where are the trainees?" I asked confused.

"They'll arrive any minute." A smile formed on my face in excitement to meet them when Ace put his hands on my shoulders and looked down at me.

"Mal, you have to keep in mind that we train the most brutal, fearless and especially ruthless killers here. So even if you make friends, please don't trust them with your or my secrets or personal lives. You never know what their real intentions are," he said in a tone so serious, I was starting to get intimidated.

"If you don't trust them, then why are you training them?" I asked, scared I might get in trouble for questioning his decisions but it truly interested me.

"I do trust them. Just not too much," he stated and that made sense. Because if there's one thing my father taught me, it's to never trust anyone. Not even if they're family.

The door opened and Archie came in, followed by about twenty trainees.

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