Chapter 33

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The next morning Ace woke me up by placing kisses on my face and then neck. I opened my eyes that tried to attach to the light and smiled at him, still sleepy.

"We have to go to work" he mumbled softly while bringing his hand to the back of my neck to pull me in for more kisses. I blushed and turned to be on top of him. "We don't have to go to work" I said with a smirk. I tried to kiss him but he stopped and looked at me. "Yes we do. It's already 8 a.m. You've been sleeping for 15 hours" he says with the same smirk and I jump up in shock. "I did what?" He just laughed and got up. "Get dressed" he demanded before disappearing into the bathroom.

I got up and my ankle was even worse than the day before. The real pain began when I started walking. Fuck I thought to myself as I tried to suppress the soreness coming from between my legs. I put on some baby pink sweatpants with a light grey hoodie that I cropped. I washed up and put my hair into a high ponytail before we left.

"You will part in groups of four and come to the shooting hall with me and Amber one after another" Ace announced as the trainees stood in front of us in a row.

Amber was a girl that was working for Ace. Him and her took the first group with them and left me and Archie with the other trainees. They started practicing in the different areas and I sat down on a chair in the combat corner while Archie helped them.

I used the time to try and find out more about Anne. I searched several social media platforms but did not succeed. Then I found Jack's Instagram by coincident.

Out of curiosity I clicked on the profile and my eyes were immediately met with multiple pictures of him. Some were in the gym, some were on the streets, some at other places. What they all had in common was that his upper body was exposed on every single one. He was as muscular as Ace and the further I scrolled down the more alike did the two of them look.

I closed the account again and went through a lot of different files that Ace gave me. They were lists of other Mafias, enemies, partners and financial stuff. He really did a great job extending the business. His Mafia made it up to the world's most powerful Mafia in under a year.

"Can you help me?"
I startled as I heard a girl's voice from behind my laptop. She looked round about 16. "Yes, what's wrong?" "Master Rodrigues told me to build my muscles but I don't know if I'm doing it right" she explained shyly. "I'll be there in a minute" I said before she left with a 'thank you'.

I closed the files on my laptop and turned it off before making my way to the gym. Right as I wanted to open the door I heard Archie behind me.

"Ah ah ah ah" he said before he got in my way. "You're supposed to stay seated." "But there's a girl that needs help in the gym" I cussed. He sighed heavily "Okay I'll take a look at it. Just- sit back down". I smiled satisfied and got back to my laptop.

jack_rodrigues started following you         now

I clicked on the message and landed on Jack's profile again. He has posted a picture like 5 minutes ago. I opened it and as I wanted to exit it I accidentally double-clicked and liked it. I almost threw my laptop in the air because of the way I jumped. I quickly removed the like and exited his profile.

"Fuck" I sighed as I rubbed my forehead with my fingers when a message popped up on my screen.

I know I'm hot but aren't you engaged to my brother? ;)

I slammed my laptop close so hard I almost cracked the display. Then I put it aside and rested my head on my hands as my elbows were resting on my thighs.

"That's it" Amber yelled furious as she burst into the hall, forcing everyone's attention on her. "I'm done with this bullshit." "What happened?" I asked confused as I got up and approached her. "I'm gonna kill this fucking idiot one day I swear to god" she swore as she came straight up to me. "Amber what happened?" I repeated myself. "Ace almost shot a trainee because he missed a target 3 times in a row. What did he expect? A perfectly skilled shooter?"

"I'll go talk to him. Go back and take someone else with you to watch over the trainees okay?" I said in a calm voice. "I can't take anyone with me because we're more than short on trainers" she whispered angrily. We're short on trainers?

I took out my phone and called Dan to come over and help Amber. That was our only option and better than losing a trainee to Ace's anger issues.

"You're doing it fucking wrong-" "Ace" I interrupted him as he hissed at another trainee. He turned around and looked at me angrily. "What are you doing here? Why are you walking? Why is she walking?" he asked furious as he turned to Amber and gestured his hand with the gun in my direction.

"She won't be able to walk anymore if you shoot her" Amber said causing him to look at his gun and then lower it as he realized he was pointing it at me.

"Don't be so disrespectful" he then turned his gaze back to Amber. "Don't be such an impulsive asshole" she spat back. "What did you just-" "Okay that's enough. Come on" I deescalated the situation by grabbing Ace's shoulders and shoving him out of the hall and into his office on the other floor.

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