Chapter 23

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A hand shaking my shoulder very roughly woke me up. You wouldn't think anything Jack ever did to me would be gentle. I'd slept on the ride to New Jersey and it was so very relieving for my back.
There was definitely a print of my hoodie's sleeve on my face and I could feel a neck pain come in from how long I've been lying with it crooked.

I sat up and rolled my neck, making the muscles pop in response. Then I looked about.
We were in the ghettos of New Jersey. The dark grey walls of the cement blocks were covered in spray paint and other weird stuff I didn't want to think about.

"Wait that's where we're staying?" I asked as Jack unbuckled.

"Should feel like home to you," he chanted as he got out and slammed the door shut. I rolled my eyes, unbuckling as well and joining him.

"That is...," I started but trailed off as I looked around.
"Disgusting," Jack finished for me, just as stunned as I was.

It really was disgusting. There was trash lying around and a condom in a corner opposite to us. I didn't acknowledge it, though. Didn't wanna see whether it was used or not.

Jack straightened and inhaled quickly. "Let's go," he mused with a newfound motivation and started to walk. For some reason, he seemed to know where we had to go. I only followed his and Ace's instructions these days anyways.

We were approaching an old cement block of a house now. Cuts 4ever was sprayed onto one of the walls with black spray paint.

A woman was yelling at a man on a balcony the street ahead. "I told you not to cheat on me, Bill!" She yelled and before Bill could defend himself, she stabbed him in the stomach multiple times.

I internally jumped, my jaw almost dropping when Jack decided he wasn't done with mocking me yet.

"See? Just like home."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Trying to get his attention elsewhere, I decided to just bombard him with questions to keep his mind off things.

"What are The Cuts?" I asked with a confused expression.

"Wrong question," Jack said. "You're supposed to ask who."

I furrowed my brows and decided to inform myself later. If he wanted to talk in riddles, fine. I didn't need him to get my answers.

When we approached, I saw a man waiting for us near the gate. He had dark blonde, messy hair. From what I could see through his black clothing, he looked pretty bulky and as tall as Jack and Ace.

If it wasn't for the gun on my body or Jack standing next to me, I probably would have been scared of him. Though the only reason Jack would've protected me was because he wanted to be the one who killed me.

He leaned against one of the posts with his arms crossed in front of his chest but pushed off and came toward us a few steps until we were directly in front of each other.

Jack and the man nodded, keeping eye contact, before his gaze swept over to me and he gave a brief nod of acknowledgment.

"That's her?" He asked a little stunned, gesturing his head at me.

Jack didn't answer that. Not the question and also not my demanding, confused look.
Instead, he sighed, looking annoyed. "I think you have something for me," he clicked, holding out his hand.

The blonde man, seemingly unaffected by Jack's commands, took an envelope out of his pocket. Jack gave it a brief glance as if to check if the information was in it before nodding his head one time and dismissing his runner.

He only spoke up when we were in the car. "Open it and tell me the address," he instructed, holding the envelope out to me.

I was taken aback for a second but didn't let him notice it. That was the first time he addressed me without it being a threat.

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