Chapter 48

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The next morning we got up early. We washed up and put on the uniform Ace provided for each one of us to wear on missions.

It was black, elastic wear consisting of black jeans-like pants of a thick material to provide maximum support and protection. The shirt was a black long sleeve with holes to stick the thumbs through. That way we wouldn't hurt our palms if we fell and we had better grip. On top of that we wore black jackets that were just as tight fitting but with a thicker material and army boots.

We strapped our weapons into the holster integrated in the pants and jacket and left for the office when it was still dark out.

The cold winter air blew into my face and stroked my cheeks gently. The snow crumpled under my weight as we made our way to the entrance where the others were waiting.

"Does everyone know their part?" Ace asked as Archie handed everyone of us a small device to put in our ears. It was the same one that we used in the club on Halloween.

"Why is my only task to distract the security guards?" Jack asked confused. "Because Mallory has so much trust in you but I don't so you can come with us but don't get assigned the most important part in case you want to ruin it" Ace said nonchalantly and I had to bite my cheeks to suppress a small laugh at the annoyed look Jack gave him.

"No one will be left behind. Good luck" Ace said before we all went to our cars. We were driving in groups of four.

The ride was the worst part. I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was about to go completely wrong.

My stomach felt sick at the thought and it was hard to breathe for me. Ace might have said that no one will be left behind but I knew damn well that he would be the first one to sacrifice himself in order to save the others.

While bobbing my leg up and down, I fiddled with the sleeve of my shirt and looked out the window when I suddenly felt Archie's hand around mine. I looked up at him only to see him smiling at me reassuringly.

I didn't want to let go of his hand which's warmth washed away at least half of my concerns when we arrived.

"Is everyone's microphone on?" Archie asked and his voice chimed in my left ear slightly delayed. Then I heard a dozen of voices answer him.

We sneaked out and positioned ourselves at the front doors. It was still quiet and almost no security was at the house at this early time which we used to our advantage.

"Get ready to storm in 3" I heard Nikita's voice in my ear and my chest contracted from the fear that rose in me.

I felt lightheaded and dizzy and shook my head slightly to regain my senses. "Are you okay?" Archie whispered and I nodded, totally caught off guard by his question.

"2" Nikitas voice caught my attention back to the mission and I put my hand on my gun and snapped the holster open.

Adrenaline was rushing through my body, making me shiver and sweat slightly as a feeling of fear formed in the pit of my stomach.

"1" she said and soon after the loud thumbs from the front doors getting literally destroyed echoed through the air.

We watched the security guards that blocked our way talk into their walkie talkies and rush off in different directions. And that was our command to storm the house.

Archie easily unlocked the door with a device and a quiet click assured us that the door was open.

Jack was the first to go on. We found ourselves in a dark room but I could recognize it as a vaulted cellar.

We sneaked across the different pieces of furniture that were standing everywhere, some covered by white sheets, some in dust.

Jack walked up a staircase and quietly opened the door before peaking out. He then turned to us and waved his hand for us to follow him so we did.

Ace and I exchanged looks and I could see the distrust in his eyes. Our heads were covered by black storm masks so I couldn't see his expression but his eyes were giving his thoughts away probably more than he wanted them to.

His brother lead us through a pretty open living room and with every step I took I was scared there would be a security guard crossing our path from behind a corner.

The mansion was so big, we couldn't even hear the scene that was going on at the other 2 entrances.

When we approached a lift that was supposed to lead us to the private rooms there were no security guards waiting for us. We were lucky enough for them to leave and help at one of the entrances on the other side of the building.

The lift was, to our dismay, secured with a face scanner. So the fact that Jack took off his mask and scanned his face surprised us but what surprised us even more was that the lift unlocked itself and the doors slid open swiftly with a quiet swoosh sound.

We all looked at him surprised and he just shrugged his shoulders innocently.

In the lift we were free to talk.

"Why is your face registered in there?" I asked confused. "I don't know" he answered which earned him even more confusion from us. "What? They like me" he shrugged his shoulders again while gesturing his palms up mid-air. "Be grateful."

Ace gave him a weird look before he shook his head and then turned to us. "I know we might have outnumbered them now-" "But this will change rapidly in the course of a few minutes. It was easy going in but going out is another story. They are currently positioning about a hundred guards and Mafia members out and inside of this mansion so be sure to struggle and might as well find your squats dead when we come back" Jack interrupted his brother earning a glare in response and I could see everyone's faces drop.

"And what exactly made you hold this in until now?" Ace hissed at him. "Would you have changed your mind if I didn't?" Jack asked and Ace didn't say anything. We all knew he was right.

We wouldn't have changed our decision, only the plan.

Ace pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. "See that's exactly why you're the second born" he exclaimed as he dropped his hand and Jack grimaced at him.

"Tris, Cullen, you'll go back downstairs and order more squads" Ace demanded as we arrived upstairs and the lift opened.

The problem was that now that Tris and Cullen were gone the plan didn't work out anymore. Ace and Archie were planned to go to Stanislav's room and Tris and Cullen should have accompanied them to kill Nadia. Jack and I were assigned to finish Vera.

I approached Vera's room on my own because we figured that finishing her off would be easier than her parents.

As I opened the door I was surprised to see the room empty. I rushed over to the closet and swung open the doors. A few pieces of clothing that were hanging in it moved from the wind it caused but other than that nothing was in there. Then I went over to the bathroom but it was empty as well. She wasn't there. Not even under her bed. It was all abandoned.

"Fuck" I cursed at myself before running to Ace and the others.

"Guys we have a-" I stopped in my tracks in the door when I saw that the bed also was empty. The sheets were still undone meaning they had just left.

A cold breeze hit my face and as I looked to the direction where it came from it dawned to me where they went. The window was wide open and the wind caused the white curtains to flutter further into the room.

"FUUUCK" Ace roared through the room.

I rushed over to the window and saw a big mattress on the ground. When I looked further away I saw Nadia and Stanislav running towards the deep forest that stretched along the horizon.

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