Chapter 20

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4 years later

I was strutting toward Marvolo's study, making myself known with the loud clicking of my high heels. Knocking once, I didn't wait until he told me to come in.

The neat and tidy room smelled of expensive perfume and cigarette smoke. Someone I knew used to smell like that. Someone whose name I didn't dare to even think of anymore.

His eyes darkened severely as his grip on my throat loosened. I breathed and finally, air reached my lungs. I felt like all the blood that collected in my head was about to flow back down.

"Can I pl-" And he slammed my head against the wall again, making both Mallory and me gasp. Another wave of pain coursed through my skull and down my spine and I had to fight back more tears.

"Don't think you'll get away with it this time. I will hunt you down, Niveen Morozov. And I will make you suffer. Slowly. Until you feel nothing but pain. I won't leave you alone until you ache to be free of me. I will find you no matter where you think you're hiding, I will be three steps ahead.

"Until you can think of nothing else. I will be in your head, under your skin, your soul, even. You will never get rid of me ever again. And once I'm done with you, once I've devoured every single bit of your soul, you will regret ever fucking crossing me," he said, coming closer until his mouth was next to my ear.

"Little traitor."

I looked at him, frightened by the sound of his voice. That wasn't Jack. That was someone else. The maniacal smile adorning his gorgeous face gave that away, too.

And with another slam against the wall, he let go of me.

I had to collect myself for a moment to give my heart the chance to slow down again. This memory always sent waves of adrenaline through my body.

Jack was right. He did haunt my mind. For the hunting part, we had a few - not so pleasant - interactions but I was still alive.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I said as I sat down at the other end of my brother's desk. Ever since father died, Marvolo led our Mafia and he did a very good job at it.

"Have you got anything new for me considering Vera's whereabouts?"

You can guess who went for the hills the second Mallory and Ace found out about our intrigue. My siblings decided to sort this out together because it was 'family matters' and I was the only one Jack had a problem with.

"Unfortunately not," I answered, followed by a silent pause. "But I'm meeting a guy tomorrow who claims she stayed in his motel two weeks ago."

Marvolo's eyes flicked up to meet mine. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, interested now. "Where?"

"About an hour and forty five minutes from the North Dakotan border."
His eyes narrowed and a crease formed between his brows. "Why on earth would she be there of all places? That's way too close to us."

"I don't know. Maybe she thinks we won't consider that option—which she was right about if that's the case. She thinks we'll search in countries that are further away or even outside of the states."

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