Chapter 27

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"She's safe. I'll bring her up" I heard Cullen's voice behind me and released a heavy breath as my shoulders relaxed.

I got up and Cullen rushed down to me. "Are you okay? Why didn't you answer?" he asked concerned and it was only then when I realized that the speaker was not in my ear anymore. I must have lost it.

I winced at the pain in my ankle as I tried to get up, ignoring Cullen's questions. He wrapped his arm under my armpits and I held on to him with mine as he helped me up. I walked up the stairs with a limp and saw Ace and Archie rushing towards us.

Ace looked at me and as soon as he saw how injured I was his eyes darkened. "Find them" he growled at Archie and Cullen before Cullen gave me over to his boss.

They went down the stairs with their guns loaded as Ace picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the club.

He sat me in the car and buckled the seatbelt before getting in as well. On the ride home my hand, elbow and ankle started to hurt even more. My body reduced all the adrenaline rushing through it and I felt like passing out from the pain.

As I looked down at my hand my stomach turned. "Fuck" I cursed and then looked away in disgust.

My metacarpal was cracked and reached out of my hand. It was a bloody mess and pretty swollen.

When we arrived at home Ace carried me to his bathroom. He instructed the body guards we passed to watch out in case someone came over and to be prepared.

He sat me down on the floor and inspected my hand with a look full of pity and disgust at the same time.

"We have to clean that" he said while picking me up under my arms again. I jumped to the sink on one foot and he helped me to wash the wound.

As soon as the water hit my hand I started screaming in pain. Tears welled up my eyes at the pulsing that erupted from my hand and caused my fingers to numb.

"I know but warm water will only make it worse" Ace said in a calm voice as he guided my hand under the water, twisting it slightly to reach every spot.

I watched the red water run clear again to try and distract myself from the pain but it did only little to help me.

Once the blood was off I sat down and leaned against the bathtub again while Ace grabbed first aid stuff. He took out some disinfectant and sprayed it on the wound. It burnt like hell and I could not hold my cries in any longer.

"I'm sorry" he said but it seemed more like he apologized for something he didn't do yet. I looked at him in confusion.

Before I could realize what he was up to I heard a loud crack followed by another sting in my hand. I looked down and saw that Ace had somehow readjusted the bones.

How did he even do that? He was no doctor.

A lump built in my throat and my stomach turned. I threw up all over Ace and me and hyperventilated while still crying.

"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so sorry" I cried in embarrassment. "It's okay, it's alright" he said while unbuttoning his shirt.

"No I just-" I wanted to apologize but was cut off by another sudden throw up causing me to cry even more. "I'm so sorry" I cried with a blurry view from all the tears.

My chest constricted making me feel like I couldn't breathe. I inhaled deeply multiple times but nothing reached my lungs.

"Mallory you have to calm down it's alright" I heard Ace in front of me but I was too panicked to acknowledge him.

"Please don't be mad at me" I cried even more desperate before I felt him cupping my face. "Look at me, look at me" he said causing me to calm down a little and look at him.

"I'm not mad at you, I promise. Please calm down a little bit" he said while stroking my cheeks with his thumbs. My heavy breath started to relax slightly and Ace nodded at me in reassurance.

He tendered my hand and then took off my clothes. I was in too much pain to care about him seeing me naked. When he took off my shoes I saw how swollen and bruised my ankle was but it was not broken. The same was with my elbow.

Ace took off his clothes as well and helped me in the shower. He helped me to wash my hair and body before cleaning himself as well.

As the warm water ran over my head and down my spine I closed my eyes. It eased the soreness in my neck and shoulders I didn't even know I had.

"I'm sorry but you'll have to use my shampoo now" Ace's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, forcing my eyes open in response.

"It's okay I'll just use a ton of perfume and maybe then I won't stink" I mocked him causing him to raise his eyebrows at me with a smirk.

"You seem pretty good considering you had a panic attack just 5 minutes ago" he said and all I could think of was stick my tongue out at him.

He shook his head with a chuckle before grabbing his shampoo bottle and pouring it over my head.

The fluid spilled onto my forehead and ran over my nose.

"Oh are you kidding me" I said as he laughed and wiped it away with his thumb. His big hands rubbed the shampoo through my hair, giving me a slight massage in the act.

I closed my eyes and leaned against his muscular chest as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Mal don't" he said as he tried to push me away gently. "I'm tired I don't want to stand any longer" I whined at him.

"I know but-" he stopped himself before sliding his hands down to cup my jawline and locking eyes with me.

"I want to do things to you and believe me when I tell you that taking a shower with you is hard enough for me"

"You're drunk" I said as his grey eyes pierced right into mine. "Maybe a little bit" he replied as his gaze wandered down to my lips and he licked his.

"Careful, I'll turn on the water" he suddenly shoved it off to break the silence that built between us.

After the shower he got me a black T-shirt and boxer shorts from him and then put on some boxers and sweatpants.

He brushed mine and his teeth while I was sitting on the edge of the bathtub and took off the rest of my make up.

Then he lay me down on his bed and got in as well after putting some soothing salve on my ankle and elbow and handing me pain killers.

I fell asleep in his arms that night.

Pretty late publish but there will be more regular updates now. I simply didn't have the motivation to go over those 2 chapters for the 12th time hahaha

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I hope you like it, have a wonderful day/night!

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