Chapter 31

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My face dropped. Ace took my hand and pulled me into the office with him.

"Brother?" I stopped in my tracks in confusion and shock as he closed the door to his office. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth as he kept on walking further into the room, his hands running through the dark blonde hair on the back of his head.

"Ace could you please tell me what the fuck is going on?" I raised my voice, urgent to get answers to the thousands of questions that were running through my head.

"Yes he's my fucking brother" he snapped at me as he turned around but instantly regretted it. "I'm sorry" he said with a more calm voice.

"We're fucking fraternal twins" he explained further to which my heart sunk. "Twins? How? Why did you never tell me before? Why does he not live with you?"

"He's the second born. I was born 10 minutes earlier and with that the whole Mafia belongs to me. Jack however always wanted more power. He wanted to be more than just the second born. We were 14 when one day him and our parents had a huge fight once again and then he left. We hadn't heard from him in months when someone told me he's with another Mafia now. My father hates him. He says he betrayed the family. You should know the best that betraying the Mafia results in being killed. I negotiated with my father that no one will touch Jack but he has to stay away from our business and he can never come back."

I just looked at him in shock, not knowing what to say. Their father was just as brutal as mine was. I felt really sorry for Jack. Being the middle one as well and adding to that a girl I know how he felt.

"Anyways, what was he doing there?" Ace spoke up again. "I honestly don't know" I shrugged my shoulders. "Maybe that was his Mafia" he suggested but I instantly shook my head no. "I don't think so. He would have let her kill me if that was the case."

"Can we talk about that later? I want to take a shower" I said, feeling very disgusting from the water of the lake and all the mud.

"I'll come with you."
I looked at Ace in shock. "No you're not. You have to work."

He stepped closer and cupped my face "The good thing about being the boss is that I can do whatever I want. Now get your fine ass in the car and I'll tell Archie that I'm leaving".
I blushed and then left.

At home Ace helped me into the mansion. "I'll activate the alarm system. Wait here" he demanded as he sat me down on the stairs before going over to the front door.

I used the railing to get up and made my way upstairs when suddenly I got yanked back by my waist.

Ace picked me up with my back against his stomach. "Where were you going?" "Into my room?" I answered as I raised my hands in confusion.

"Yeah no that's not happening. You can't take the stairs" he stated in a determined voice. "Well and where exactly should I shower then?" I asked, already sensing where he was bringing me.

He didn't answer before he opened the door to his room and let me down. "In my room" he stated.

"I'll get you some fresh clothes and prepare a warm towel for you" he stated before he closed the door, leaving me alone in his room.

It was more than strange for me to be in there without him. He trusted me so much he let me be in his room and use his shower - alone.

I made my way to the bathroom and made sure to close the door behind me. I didn't need Ace walking in on me.

I stripped down and got in the shower. A few minutes later when I was already about to step out again I had not noticed the door being opened.

I was facing the wall and startled when I felt 2 strong arms wrap around my waist from behind.

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