Chapter 11

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"What's wrong? Where's that laugh you had plastered on your face a second ago?" he challenged.

I gulped and his deep voice sent shivers down my spine.
"Answer me," he demanded a bit harsher.

"I- You know you're flirting with me right now, do you?" was all I could come up with.

"I flirt with whoever I want."

"Well not anymore because you're engaged now," I mocked, wondering where this sudden burst of confidence came from.

"I guess I'll have to flirt with you then."

My eyes flicked down to where I expected his lips to be and I licked mine.

"You want to kiss me," he stated. This normally would've caused me to look up at him in shock but I couldn't move my eyes off his lips.

"No," I whispered as I slowly shook my head.

"Are you sure?" he asked but I didn't answer, which apparently was enough of an answer to him.

"Well then just do it," he muttered as he came closer. "Because I've been wanting to for the past week."

We were inches away from each other and I could already feel his breath brush my skin when I finally built up the courage to slam my lips onto his.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. His one hand brushed over the side of my body and down to my outer thigh. As he reached it I wrapped my legs around his body and he grabbed my ass.

His hand brushed up again but this time under my shirt. He stopped under my breast and interrupted the kiss to look at me.

"Mal I won't stop once I've started," he warned in a serious tone. I looked at him for a few seconds, contemplating my previous decisions.

"What if I don't want you to stop?" I whispered, biting his neck before I even fully finished my sentence. I was so consumed by his touch, his scent, his taste even. I wanted it never to stop again.

He kissed me again and grabbed my breast harshly. His thumb circled my nipple before gently squeezing it.

His touch turned me on so bad. A quiet moan escaped my lips. He slid his hand out of my shirt and ripped it apart, revealing my bare upper body. I gasped, immediately regretting it and looked at him in shock.

I finally got used to the lack of light and saw his eyes widen at the sight of my upper body. I slipped my arms out of the torn shirt and brought my hands to his arms, sliding up to his shoulders.

He started to kiss my neck, making his way down to my stomach where he pulled my pajama pants and thong down and threw them to the side.

He continued to kiss his way down to my pussy and my heart started to pound in my chest to the point where I was sure it would explode any second.

His lips reached my clit and sucked on it before I felt his tongue slightly brush over it. I moaned as I grabbed his hair and his grip around my thighs tightened.

"You don't have to do this-" I said but was interrupted by a sharp sting coming from my clit.
He bit me.
For some reason, this turned me on even more, sending bolts of pleasure through my body and making my skin prickle.

"You really think I'm doing this only for your pleasure? You taste so fucking good, Mallory Morozov. If I weren't the Devil already, I'd gladly go to hell only to eat that cunt of yours once more."

Well fuck.

After a few strokes he started to circle my clit before brushing his tongue over it again, this time with more pressure.

The second he applied pressure to my clit I moaned even louder than before. He continued for a while; always circling his tongue around and then brushing over my clit even harder until I was moaning uncontrollably and moving my hips against him shamelessly.

He for sure knew what he was doing. I was arching my back, enjoying the moment when I suddenly felt his one hand move between my legs.

He inserted one finger into me and then a second one, not stopping what he was doing to me with his mouth.

I moaned even louder at the slow but hard thrusts he made. My legs started to shake when he suddenly stopped eating but didn't stop fingering me as he moved up to me again.

"Do you have the slightest idea how bad I want to fuck you right now?" his deep voice asked next to my ear before kissing my neck again.

"What's stopping you?" I whispered in between my moans.

"The fact that you're not begging yet."

I gave him a confused look when he suddenly stopped fingering me. My confused look turned into a baffled one as my mouth fell open in disbelief.

"I won't beg," I scoffed to tease him.

"Oh trust me you will," he stated.

I opened my mouth to say something but got interrupted as he stroked his fingers against my inner thigh and down to my pussy where he started playing with my outsides.

I moved my hips against his fingers with a lustful expression on my face but he avoided my clit no matter how hard I tried.

"Beg," he demanded with a deep voice but I shook my head no. His fingers brushed over my clit and started circling it, causing me to moan in pleasure before he stopped again.

"I said beg." His voice was slow and dangerous, just like the look in his eyes as he towered over me, teasing me.

"No," I shook my head again, causing him to stop. "Why don't you beg for it if you want to fuck me so bad?" I asked in between my heavy breaths causing him to chuckle.

He moved his head next to mine so that his mouth was next to my ear.
"I'm Ace Rodrigues. I always get what I want."

"Well that's going to change from now on," I challenged. I wasn't going to let him win this game.

"Oh you won't be able to walk tomorrow," he stated, cocking his head and thrusting his dick into me full force.

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