Chapter 13

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After the trainees finished their warm up Ace spoke up, causing them to stand in one line facing us in the middle of the hall. Archie stood beside us.

"Trainees, you have two weeks left until your final fights. Two weeks of intense training before we decide whether you will be hired into this Mafia or not," he made a quick pause and looked at everyone before going on. His voice echoed in the quiet hall, bouncing off the walls and making the room seem smaller than it was.

"This," he put his hands on my shoulders and slightly shook me causing me to furrow my eyebrows at him. "Is my fiancé Mallory. She will be training you, too from now on so if you have any questions, feel free to ask her as well."

My eyes met a girl in the row that looked at me with nothing but hatred. I quickly looked away since she made me very uncomfortable.

"What are you waiting for? Get going," Archie yelled through the hall while clapping his hands repeatedly. The trainees spread around the different sections of the hall and started their practice. Soon, the space was filled with the swooshing of blades, dull sounds of punches and gasps, even screams sometimes.

I wanted to walk over to the daggers when Ace pulled me back by my shoulder. "Nope, you're coming with me."

He pushed me over to the combat section where a few mats were laying on the ground. I tilted my head, folded my arms in front of my body and raised my eyebrows with a smirk on my face.

"Don't look at me like that. Attack," he demanded.

"I won't fight with you," I scoffed.

"Okay," he said carelessly before stepping towards me and swinging at me with a fist. I noticed just in time and dodged his attempt.

"What the fuck Ace," I snapped at him with an annoyed look on my face.

"Come on, get going. I don't have all day," he said as he waved his fingers, tips pointed up, at me to attack him.

I felt everyones eyes on us, which was enough to embarrass me. I sighed in annoyance and stepped forward with my fists protecting my face. If he thought I'd embarrass myself even further by letting him beat me, he was very fucking wrong. He stepped back but I stepped forward again and placed a punch right onto his cheekbone.

A few shocked gasps echoed through the hall as he looked at me surprised.
"Wow, Mallory. You have a good swing," he said impressed before giving me an uppercut.

I stumbled back but before I could regain my balance he grabbed my shoulders and kneed me in the stomach. I grumped in pain and fell to the ground where he got on my back.

This dickhead only complimented me to mock me.

Before I could act he had me in headlock and cut my air. With my fingers I tried to separate his arm from my throat but it was no use. He was too strong.

I already knew I'd lose when a idea came to my mind. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled it down while bringing my head up. The back of my head banged against his nose and he let go of me for a second as he held his nose in shock.

I used the chance, turned on my back and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to fall back.

I quickly got on top of him and choked him as hard as I could. He just looked at me with an evil smile on his face. His hands grabbed my waist and slid down to my hips where his grip tightened. He pressed my hips down against his body in a way no one could see but I could feel it, causing my clit to rub against him. His touch and the pressure he applied distracted me for just a second but long enough for him to turn.

He was on top of me now, choking me just like I did him. I kicked the air with my legs and tried to push him off me with my hands but once again, he was too strong and heavy.

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