Chapter 39

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He came back to the dining room and everyone took a seat again. I was on his lap and they were playing cards. "Are you okay? Do you want them to leave?" he quietly asked but I shook my head no. I knew how important this meeting was.

In the course of the night I got pretty tired so I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into it before closing my eyes.

The next morning I woke up and got ready for work. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Archie but Ace was - once again - nowhere to be seen. "Where's Ace?" I asked as I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. "He said I shouldn't tell you but it's about business."

I dropped my shoulders annoyed and tilted my head slightly. "Seriously?" "I'm just doing what the boss says" he defended himself with his hands and brows raised. "You guys are unbelievable" I frowned as I walked out again. "Oh he told me to drive you to the office so we're leaving in a few minutes."

At the office I walked into Ace's room and removed the Halloween decoration. When I was done the door opened and Ace came in. "You're removing it?" "I'll put up something new but we have November so it's about time" I stated as I turned to face him.

He came closer before I wrapped my arms around his strong waist. "Your family invited us over for dinner tonight" he informed me while rubbing my back. My gaze immediately snapped up to him but before I could say something he cupped my face. "We don't have to go." I thought about it for a second. "No we'll go. I want to see my mother and siblings again" I answered before burying my face in his chest again.

"So that's what happens when I let you chose your outfit?" Ace asked as I walked down the stairs. "Don't you like it?" "No it's cute" he answered by the time I reached him. "I think I'm wearing too little make up." "If your father has a problem with your looks, he can talk to me about it" Ace stated in a serious tone, his expression getting bitter by the mention of my father. He put his arm around me before we walked out to the car. He decided that the chauffeur would drive us that day.

I was wearing some blue straight jeans that were lying on my white, mid-high sneakers at the front because they were a little long. At the top I wore a white turtleneck that I tucked in with a grey cardigan.

As we arrived at my old home I immediately felt uncomfortable when we drove through the big gates. But I was also excited to see my family again. I fiddled with my hands nervously before Ace took them in his big ones. "You'll be fine" he assured before placing a kiss on my forehead.

Then we got out of the limousine and my family was already waiting for us - except for my father of course.

"Hello my dear" my mom greeted me. "Hi mom" I said while playing with the sleeves of my cardigan. "Hey why are you so shy? Give your family a hug" Marvolo said, going in for a hug. I held my arms out to the side slightly, overwhelmed with the situation. Did this actually happen right now? I thought I'd be happier but in that moment all I wanted to do was leave again.

"Mal?" I heard a familiar voice say from a few feet away. My gaze immediately searched for the source and the second I found it, a smile formed on my face. "Filip" I greeted him as he ran up to me to hug me. I hugged him back and suddenly felt a lot more comfortable.

After the hug his gaze wandered behind me and the smile on his face vanished just like that. "Ace" he nodded and Ace nodded back. "Why don't we go inside?" my mom changed the topic.

"Where's Niveen?" I asked as we walked to the living room. "She's in her room. She has a friend over" Marvolo answered and we sat down on the 2 couches opposite to each other. Ace and I had one of them completely to ourselves because no one dared to sit near him. I forgot how scared other people were of him.

"So how have you been?" Filip asked. "Good" I answered shortly because I didn't know what else to say. There was a mole in our Mafia, a girl with a fake identity, a woman that tried to kill me and a guy who wanted to rape me. What do you answer when someone asks you how you've been when that's what your life revolved around the past weeks?

"I hope she's been behaving so far" a deep, husky voice suddenly filled up the room. My blood froze and it didn't take me a second guess to know whose voice it was. I didn't move. I didn't even dare to look in his direction as he came over and sat down in his armchair that was positioned between the ends of the 2 couches.

The leather of the armchair ruffled when he took a seat and the air thickened at this presence. "Mallory don't be unfriendly. Look at me" my father said in a demanding tone. I turned my face towards him hesitantly. Every person in the room shifted in their seats uncomfortably at his presence. Everyone except for Ace. He was confident like always. But he also had something to him I hadn't seen that often before. It seemed like he was towering over the thick air my father caused. He seemed to be above everyone else. He seemed just as intimidating. The only difference was that Ace's intimidation made me feel safe while the one my father greeted me with every time he let alone glanced at me made me want to throw up.

My father looked different. He looked old. His face was skinny and wrinkly. His cheeks seemed like a sack of old skin and his under eyes were extremely puffy and dark. There were brown freckles all over his hands. I couldn't see the rest because he was wearing a suit.

Ace's arm was resting behind me on the couch the whole time but when my father addressed me, he put his hand on my shoulder. I don't know if comforting me was his intention or if he just did that unconscious in a possessive way but either way it worked.

My father's face dropped the second I turned to face him. "What is that? Why didn't you cover up your freckles?" he asked, starting to get louder as his expression got angrier. My heart started pounding against my ribcage. Was he going to punish me?

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by Ace. "I told her stylist to do her make up like that. Because I like her better with freckles" he stated in a confident, deep voice. My father grumped in protest but didn't dare to say anything. My mother however suppressed a slight smile. She looked proud.

"The dinner is ready. Let's eat. Filip, get your sister and Vera" he changed the topic before getting up and making his way to the dining room.

"I'll go to the bathroom real quick" I whispered to Ace when the others were already gone. He nodded and I left.

In the bathroom I locked the door and slid down against it. My breath started to quicken suddenly and my heart was pounding heavy against my ribcage. I felt like I couldn't breathe when tears started to well up my eyes and I had to try so hard not to let them fall because of my make up. Panting from the panic attack I was having I got up and let cold water run over my hands. Filip used to do that to help me. I had to relax again. The others were waiting in the dining room.

After a few minutes my breathing and heart race got easier and I inhaled deeply before going back to the dining room. My family and Ace were already waiting for me and my father looked like he was about to explode.

I sat down next to Ace. My parents and siblings were talking. "Are you okay?" Ace whispered as he put his one hand on my thigh and I nodded in response as I brushed a lock of my blonde hair behind my ear.

"NIVEEEN" my mother yelled because her and her friend still weren't in the dining room. "We're coming" I heard Niveen say before she entered the room. She sat down and smiled at me. I smiled back but that quickly vanished when I saw who her friend Vera was.

She had brown, shoulder length hair, icy blue eyes and familiarly pale skin. Her tall, lean body made it's way to the desk and sat down next to my sister. Even Ace looked baffled. "Mal, that's Vera" Niveen introduced her.

Vera smiled at me awkwardly. She knew we were coming but Ace and I were totally caught off guard as we did not expect her. "Vera" I said in a surprised voice while nodding my head and forcing a smile on my face. That was gonna be a interesting dinner.

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