Chapter 37

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I gave in at his touch and wrapped my arms around his neck. His tongue brushed against my lips and I opened my mouth to let him in.

He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his body before he walked into his room. He kicked the door close and threw me onto his bed to get on top of me.

"I hate you" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck again. "I hate you more" he replied before kissing my neck. A slight moan escaped my mouth as he slid his hand under my hoodie.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and ripped it open. The buttons flew around the room and Ace sat up to take it off. I used the chance to open his belt and then trousers before he got up and completely took it off.

I sat up and stripped down as well before Ace came back into bed. Instead of kissing me he turned me on my stomach by my hips and pulled them up. He inserted two fingers into my already wet pussy at once and I moaned loudly.

Before I could realize it his fingers were replaced with his hard dick. I screamed at the impact and the feeling of him hitting my spot. He grabbed my hips and held them firmly in place as he fucked me from behind.

I was on my elbows when Ace suddenly grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back. My upper body dropped onto the bed and he secured my wrists with one hand while brushing along the side of my body with the other.

When he reached my butt he slapped it hard and I winced in pain. "Shut the fuck up you deserve this" he demanded and his deep voice made me go crazy.

He thrusted his dick further into me and I moaned even louder at the feeling. It was way more intense than when I was on my elbows.

My shoulders and neck were starting to get sore after a while so I tried to pull my arms to the front again but Ace tightened his grip. "Keep your hands where they are or I'll tie them together" he threatened before going even harder.

I moaned even louder and so did he. He pulled out and came onto my back after releasing my hands.

He then turned me around and kissed his way down from my stomach to my pussy. I moaned loud when he reached my clit. At first he circled his tongue around it and then he started sucking on it. I arched my back at the feeling he gave me and grabbed his hair in pleasure.

"Fuck Ace don't stop please" I moaned even louder as he started slightly biting me and then brushing his tongue along my clit. He inserted two fingers while eating me and hit my spot causing me to come.

He licked me clean and then wiped his mouth with the palm of his hand as he came back up. My breath was heavy and unsteady. He put his arm around me as I rested one leg on him.

"I still hate you for being so mean to me. I just wanted to help" I spoke up to break the silence that built in the room. "Oh we can repeat this if you want to" he said as he got on top of me again. I blushed and played with his short, dark blonde hair that was hanging down at the sides of his face. "You should've told me what you were up to" he said in a serious tone before laying back on his bed. He used his thumbs to stroke my upper arm slightly, forcing goosebumps all over my body.

"But I knew you would've said no anyways." "And so you just decide not to tell me at all and just confront me with the final product? It's the same with the party. And that went wrong as well" he said in disbelief and he was kind of right so I didn't answer.

After a quick pause he spoke up again. "Do you really think I still see prostitutes?"
It took me a while to answer. On the one hand why would he but on the other hand where was he the whole night?

"I don't, to answer your question from earlier" he went on because I didn't answer.

"I have to take a shower" I changed the topic before I got up. The sheets were sticking to my back because of Ace's sperm. "That needs to be changed" I laughed and he chuckled along.

After the shower I came out of Ace's bathroom but he was gone. I put on one of Ace's white button ups and went to the kitchen because that was where I suspected him to be. The shirt was long enough to cover my ass so I didn't care about pants.

I walked into the kitchen and Ace was on the phone, leaning against the counter with one hand. His back was turned to me and the muscles on it bulged out aesthetically.

I grabbed a glass, filled it with water and chugged it down all at once. "No I don't fucking care. Get it done" he hissed into the phone before hanging up. A loud sigh escaped his mouth as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Here. You need to hydrate" I said as I handed him a glass of water. He just looked at me and chuckled before shaking his head and drinking it.

"There will be a meeting here tonight" he stated and my gaze snapped up to him. "It's just a few people, nothing big. I promise" he went on because he knew I was not in the mood for people. "I guess I won't be able to avoid it anyways" I sighed.

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