Chapter 47

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"Pleasant day everyone" Ace greeted us as he walked swiftly into his office with Cullen by his side. There was a little drop of blood on Cullen's white shirt.

"We have gathered here today to discuss our next steps considering the Ivanov Mafia" he started in a serious tone and I couldn't help but stiffen at the name.

"We are planning to let Nadia escape tomorrow. That way she'll have enough time to plan her next steps. I want this to be done by Christmas Eve so we have a lot of work to do" he went on mechanically before turning to Archie. They locked eyes, almost like Archie was waiting to talk and when Ace nodded his head slightly, he did.

"We will go in in groups. Nikita, you and your squad will go in first. It is your job to observe and distract the security. Try to avoid unnecessary attention at all cause" he instructed and Nikita nodded her head in understanding.

"Amelia, you will do the same from the back entrance. Try to clear every entrance for us." Archie made a quick pause and lay out a big floor plan on the desk.

"The third entrance will be on this side" Archie explained as his finger glided over the smooth paper and stopped at another entrance. "Ace, Mallory, Cullen, Tristan and me will go in on this side once it is clear."

"What about Brandon?" Amelia asked earning a confused look from Ace but she couldn't have known. She wasn't present at the fight.

"Him and his squad are out. They tried to manipulate the fight and threw a blade at me" Ace answered her question half-heartedly as he turned his gaze back to the floor plan in front of him.

"We will try to do the job as quickly as possible. The main power goes off from Nadia. We know that because nothing happened since the day we captured her. So killing her is the main priority. Stanislav and Vera are important as well. They have no other kids, we have checked that beforehand so once the three of them are dead we are out again" Ace went on in a clear voice.

My heart sunk in my chest at the thought of killing Vera. She was only sixteen and to make things worse friends with my sister.

"It is of the highest priority that no one deviates from the plan. No matter what happens, is that clear?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and everyone nodded in understanding.

"Good. Any questions?" he asked as he looked into the group. "What about the fourth entrance inside of the office? As far as I know there are security guards as well" Nikita asked.

"I have to admit we haven't solved this problem yet" Archie answered when a idea came to my mind.

"I think I know the answer to that" I spoke up for the first time, forcing everyone's attention on me. Before I could say something Ace's eyes widened in realization and he shook his head. "No. Absolutely not."

"But he can help us. He knows what the office looks like from the inside. He knows about secret doors and rooms and where the security guards walk patrol" I argued and to my surprise Archie was quick to agree.

"I mean she's got a point. They trust him." "But I don't trust him, Archie" Ace snapped at him. "I do" I burst out and everyone whipped their heads in my direction.

"He saved my life that day at the lake. If it wasn't about trust, what is it about? He didn't have to save me. He might as well just let me drown but he didn't. He betrayed Nadia" I concluded and it seemed logical to everyone.

Ace however still had a hint of doubt on his face.

"Please trust me with this one" I begged and eventually he agreed. "You're responsible for the consequences" he warned with his index finger pointed at me before leaving the room.

The next day came and Ace went into cell number 60 one last time to 'interview' her. Afterwards he closed the door but didn't lock it and when we came back the next day, Nadia was gone.

A week later our mission could finally begin.

"Are you nervous?" Ace asked as I walked out of the bathroom. It was the night before the mission and nervous was a understatement. I was scared to death.

"Are you?" I asked back. "Nah" he shook his head nonchalantly and I wondered if he was being serious or if he just said that not to freak me out.

I lay down on the bed and he put his arm around me.

"Mal" he started as my eyes were already closed and I mummed in response. "I want you to promise me something. If the case occurs that you have to leave me behind to save yourself" he stopped and I sat up to look at him.

"I won't leave you behind. We won't leave anyone behind" I said as panic started to rise in me. Was he really considering that right now?

"Just promise me that if it happens, you won't endanger yourself for me."

I didn't answer his question. I just lay back in his arm and succumbed to sleep. As if I'd really leave him there.

The tension is high and the next chapter will be about the mission. What do you think? Will Ace succeed or will Mallory have to leave him behind? Would she even do that?

See you in the next chapter🫶🏼

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