Chapter 43

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A few days later I was standing in the kitchen early in the morning. We hadn't heard anything from Khalida ever since the incident and the security got in a lot of trouble for not noticing that she practically lived with us for over 2 months. Ace fired majority of out staff because even if they claimed not to have noticed anything, he didn't want to endanger me.

Today was Ace's birthday and I decided to provide him a day off work as good as possible.

I baked cakes and invited Archie, Cullen and a few of his friends over in the afternoon. His parents and Lucía would arrive in a few hours along with his grandparents and some other family members.

I decorated the living and dining room and was doing the last touch ups when the doorbell rang. I furrowed my brows and rushed over to the front door, wondering who this was. It was 6:40 a.m.

"Archie" I said surprised as I opened the door. "Hi" he said as he rushed past me. The cold air from outside blew into the warm house, making me shiver. It was still dark out.

"What are you doing here? I told y'all you can come over tonight but not before his family arrived" I asked in a annoyed tone but instead of answering he just went straight to the kitchen where I had a cake in the oven.

"Yeah yeah I know you said that. Wow that looks amazing. Did you make them?" he waved with his hand, shrugging my complains off before looking at the scene in front of him impressed.

I frowned and walked after him. "Thank you and yes I did. What are you doing here, Archie?"

"I want to see it" he stated in a serious tone after turning to face me. I sighed in annoyance. "And that couldn't have waited until later?" "No" he said confident with his previous actions so I made my way to the dining room where I had Ace's presents with yet another frown.

They were all already wrapped except for one thing - almost like I knew Archie would want to see it.

"Holy- That's- I have no words" he said stunned as he looked at the inside of the black little box I gave him.

It was a silver brass knuckles with a little Ace symbol engraved in the hand part.

"Do you think he'll like it?" I asked. "No he will love it" Archie stated, still too stunned to speak.

The timer on the oven started beeping and I rushed over to take the cake out. "I'm sorry but you'll have to go now" I said as Archie followed me into the kitchen.

"Yeah you won't even know I was here" he said as he quickly grabbed one of the cupcakes I made with a smirk on his face. "Archie" I hissed at him in disbelief and slapped his fingers but he had already taken it.

"Bye Malmal" he said as he rushed out and I shook my head while chuckling at him.

When I was done preparing everything I made my way to my room and took a shower. Jaqueline came over to do my hair and make up and then left before I put on my outfit. It was a dark grey mini dress with long sleeves and a turtleneck. On top of that I wore some jewelry.

At about 8 a.m. I went to wake up Ace. I sneaked into his room to open the curtains and was surprised to see what had happened in the meantime.

The outside was covered in white snow and it did not stop snowing yet. A smile formed on my face as happiness overcame me.

"Ace" I said as I approached him. "Ace wake up" I shook him, at first gentle but I got harsh when he didn't wake up.

"Good morning" he muttered in his deep sleepy voice as he stretched and then pulled me down to be in his arms. "Ace" I laughed, trying to sit up again. "What" he muttered annoyed and exhausted as I sat back up. "It's snowing" I said, gleaming of happiness and suddenly he was sitting as well.

"I didn't expect that" he said unbothered as he shrugged his shoulders causing me to frown at him. "Is that all you have to say?" I asked in shock earning a shrug in response.

"Get up, I'll meet you in the dining room" I said as I rolled my eyes as got up. He was quick to grab my wrist and I looked at his serious expression. "What did I say about rolling your eyes at me?" he asked with a warning gaze and his eyebrows raised.

I rolled them again over exaggerated before running out of his room laughing as he got up to follow me.

In the entrance area he caught up with me and picked me up from behind, causing me to laugh out loud and giggle uncontrollably.

He put me down again and I turned to face him as he cupped my face and I wrapped my arms around his strong waist. His grey eyes pierced right into mine causing his expression to soften.

"Do you know why I would glue your eyes in place?" he asked and I waited for him to go on. "Because, if it was possible, I'd have them looking at me 24/7" he said forcing a blush on my face.

"You're sweet." "No I'm not" he argued, his gaze shifting to a serious one again. His mood immediately changed and he let go of me. I just frowned at him before taking his hand to lead him to the dining room.

The second he saw it he stopped in his tracks. "What's wrong?" I asked as I turned around to face a impressed but also shocked Ace. "Did you do that all on your own?" he asked impressed. "Yes" I answered, trying to suppress the blush that was threatening to appear on my face again.

He walked over to the table and took a seat, I followed him.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, already getting up and he nodded in response as he inspected the table. His eyes gleamed with happiness as he saw the presents but he tried to suppress it.

"Wait can I open the presents first?" he asked excited while grabbing my hand so I sat back down.

"Okay so this is the first one" I said as I handed him the biggest one. It was a hoodie and as he tore the wrapping apart he couldn't suppress his smile anymore.

"I thought you needed a new one because the other was stolen" I said with a smirk causing him to chuckle. "I like it" he said while putting it on the desk to take the next present I handed him.

It was more like a funny present but I had to make this joke. He unwrapped it and revealed several chocolate bars of every kind and flavor and the surprised look on his face was incredible. "Chocolate is better than smoking" I winked at him and he chuckled as he shook his head and put the bars on the desk. "How thoughtful of you" he said in a sarcastic tone earning a smack on his arm with the back of my hand.

"Don't be so sassy or I won't give you the last one" I said, immediately catching his interest. "A last one?" he asked interested with his eyebrows raised. I mummed and grabbed the little box that I wrapped after Archie left.

My heart was suddenly pounding in my chest and I got uneasy, scared he won't like it. I handed it to him and as he opened it, his face dropped.

"Are you for real?" he asked in both shock and happiness as the biggest smile appeared on his face, causing me to smile along with him. "Do you like it?" "Mal I love it. It's beautiful" he said as he took it out and looked at it in awe, forcing another smile on my face in the process.

I was so relieved and proud that he liked it.

"Thank you so much" he said as he grabbed my face and planted a kiss on my mouth. I smiled at him, our faces inches away as I was leaning over the edge of the desk. "It's an engagement brass knuckles. You know because you wear it on your fingers-" "I know" he interrupted me.

"An engagement brass knuckles" he chuckled while shaking his head before putting it on his right hand. It looked perfect. His veiny hand, the injured and bruised knuckles and then the silver brass knuckles. I looked at it in awe as well as he did.

Then I got him his breakfast and he went to get ready afterwards.

Cuteeeee, what do you think of her presents?
The Birthday went pretty well so far, how will it continue?

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