Chapter 6

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Halloween came faster than I thought and I had a pretty rough week catching up with work I shoved aside for a while. Then finally, I was done and could get ready to go to a club. More specifically: the Ivanov's club. We used it to wash money and sell drugs and it really helped keeping the numbers up. I don't recall having that problem with the Rodrigues' but I didn't care as long as the Ivanovs provided me a roof above the head, a bed and money.....and pussy but I doubt Stanislav knew of that.

As I entered the club, the stench of weed and alcohol reached my nostrils and the booms of the loud music thumped in my ears. I loved clubs and parties. They meant fun and a lot of women that were more than willing to spread their legs. I didn't treat women badly, don't get me wrong. But if the right one gave me the right amount of attention, I just had to compliment her and there we went.

I never did drugs, nor will I ever do them. A good friend of mine that was in our Mafia overdosed a few years ago and that convinced me even more to just...stay away.

"Mr. Rodrigues," the bouncer nodded at me with a straight face, earning a nod back as I entered. There were people dancing and talking, the club was packed. In the corners, there were podiums with strippers dancing on them. One winked at me as she slid down her pole, earning a dip with my head back in response.

I navigated through the labyrinth of people without any problems - perks of being Vice President of the Mafia this club belonged to. Although some people didn't know who owned this club, they stepped aside as soon as I crossed their path anyway. I would consider myself confident and my appearance intimidating enough for people to fear and respect me.

When I made it to the V.I.P area, Stanislav and a few other business partners were already there, finishing off their first drinks.

I took a seat and grabbed an unused glass to fill it with bourbon, chucking down the first bit completely before refilling it again. "Rough week?" one of our partners joked, earning a deadly stare in response. "I had to deal with one of our partners because he stole a great sum of money. You don't happen to know anything about that, do you Lorde?" I asked in a dangerous tone, tilting my head to the side slightly and raising my eyebrows. I leaned forward with my elbows sitting on my thighs to come intimidatingly close.

He opened his mouth to talk back when I sensed his bodyguard putting his hand on his gun. Without a warning, I pulled my gun out from the back of my belt and pointed it directly at him.

"Wow," "Wow wow wow," I heard the others hush or gasp as they all pulled out their guns as well, pointing them at each other. 2 guns were pointed at me, 4 at Lorde and only 1, mine, at his bodyguard.

"I would leave that right where it is if I were you," I threatened, tipping my gun at his hand that was still on his gun but keeping my warning eyes on him. "Okay okay," he said while raising his hands in the air slowly. "Good," I nodded my head and put my gun away, so did the other men one after another. A quick glance at Lorde told me just how doomed he knew he was, now that his bodyguard practically gave away his secret.

"Now," I grabbed my glass and leaned back, my one arm resting on the backrest and my one ankle resting on my thigh. "Let's talk business, shall we?"

I swirled the bright brown liquid before taking a sip. The bourbon coated my tongue and left a slight burn in my throat behind once I swallowed it. Then, I spoke.

"What exactly made you bring a bodyguard today? You never brought one before," I asked. All eyes were on Lorde as he opened his mouth and stuttered out some air. His eyes flicked between me and Stanislav before meeting the others. To his dismay, no one except us looked back at him.

"I was- It's Halloween and I already expected the club to be packed-" "Stop annoying me with your silly little excuses. You never had a problem with that before and he wouldn't have grabbed his gun so fast as soon as I mentioned the theft. You betrayed us and you know it damn well. Care to explain yourself?" I interrupted him, keeping my voice monotone.

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