Chapter 16

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"Where the fuck are they, Jack?" Ace barked at me. "How would I fucking know? I was here, taking care of Mal," I defended myself, gesticulating my hands from my chest into the air. Ace sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and turning away. It's been two weeks since Niveen and Vera went missing. No one had a clue where they were.

"Jack," Mallory spoke. "I know you might not care and I know you shouldn't because you have nothing to do with them but please, we need your help."
I had to swallow my anger. I was just as worried as they were, maybe even more, but Mallory didn't know that. And she shouldn't.

A sigh left my mouth as I masked my anger with despair. "I'll do my best."
Just then, my eyes popped open and my mask was replaced with something else when it dawned me.
"What?" Ace asked, alerted.
"I might know who has them."

I swung open the doors to the cafe he was sitting in. All the eyes were on me and my two right-hand men as we made our way to the desk, guns and knifes strapped under our clothing and hidden in our pockets.

"Marco," I exclaimed as I slammed my hand on the desk, startling him and his wife. The porcelain cups clattered and the coffee vibrated from the force of it. He glared at me and I smiled, baring my teeth. "Jack, what brings me the pleasure-"

"Why don't we skip the small talk and move on to the important part," I interrupted him. The smile on his face vanished immediately and that was probably the moment when it dawned to him that he had a problem.

"How's the business going? Any newcomers?" I asked, intertwining my fingers on the desk and leaning forward to look at him.
I knew I acted very fucking impudent but that was exactly what I wanted. Some people don't respect you unless they fear you.

Marco's eyes flicked between me and his wife, his gaze telling me that he didn't like this conversation being held with her in the room. Did I care?
Hell no.

"Good," he clicked. He was pissed. Good.

I gave a smile again, seeing the waitress approach so I waited until he took my order.
"What can I get for you, sir?" he asked, his confused and unsure gaze shifting to Sebastian and Alex.

"Coffee. Black," I looked Marco straight in the eyes as I said the following words. "And clear. I don't like to wait."
He nodded and left quickly.

"I know you've got your hands in the human trafficking business so let's get straight to the point," I said in a serious tone but then stopped when the waitress set my coffee cup on the table.
I gave him a curt nod, keeping my eyes on Marco, before he left.

"What do you wanna know, Jack?" he asked, getting impatient and uncomfortable with my presence.
"I want to know where the fuck she is, Marco. I want to know what the fuck you've done to her," I demanded, keeping my voice low but dangerous.

I interrupted him, grabbing him by the back of his neck and pulling him off his seat.

"Where the fuck is she, Marco?" I yelled into his ear, pressing him on all fours. Nothing was left of the smile on my face anymore. "I- I don't know what-" "Niveen Morozov. Rings any bells in that sick head of yours?" I pushed. I sensed movement in my peripheral view, looking there quickly and freezing the waitress with my gaze. "Keep that phone where it is or I'll make this place a mess," I threatened, pointing my gun at him and causing him to drop his phone and raise his hands.

"And now hands up everyone!" Sebastian, who stayed back until now, demanded in a sharp tone as he aimed his gun at random people.

"So...Back to you," I spoke angrily, turning my gaze back to Marco. "Where is she?" "Marco," the wife spoke for the first time, sounding hurt and confused. "Who's this?" "No one of value," he brushed it off. "No one of value? No one of fucking value?" I repeated, screaming and pressing my fingers harder into his neck. He screamed in response. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" His skin got sweaty, slippery.

"I have no idea who you're talking about!" "Niveen fucking Morozov! Don't act fucking stupid. You tried to kidnap her a few weeks ago," I reminded him, making him laugh. "That little brown-haired girlfriend of yours? Jack please. You think I'd lay a finger on her, knowing she's yours? That was a misunderstanding back then. I had my eyes on another girl that looked really similar to her. I don't know where your girl is or who has her. All I know is that it's not me who took her."

I shoved him down further and let go, making his face nearly bump the floor. That was when I heard the sirens in the distance. "That's our cue," I said to Sebastian and Kendrick. "Let's go."

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