Chapter 63

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"Can you pack up the blades and stuff? Don't lift anything heavy, just the small things" Archie asked when most of the trainees and members were already gone. It was just Ace, Archie, Cullen, Jack, Amelia and me. "Yeah sure" I said before I made my way to the training hall.

I started packing the blades away and then went over to the combat section where I rolled the unused bandages up.

"Hey Princess" I suddenly heard Jack's voice chime from the door. "Archie told me to help you." "Did he? Or are you here to make sure I don't lift anything heavy?" I asked, amused by how smoothly he lied. "Well maybe he told me to check that out too" he laughed slightly before approaching me.

"Let me help you with that" he said, reaching out to take the bandage out of my hand. His hand was covering mine and for a moment he looked at me, causing us to lock eyes.

And before I could sense what was going on, he pulled me in by my hand and kissed me.

I kept my eyes open while a frown formed in between my brows and I pushed him away. "Jack stop." "Oh come on, it's not like you haven't given me any hints" he said before pulling me in again, this time by my head.

It took me a little more to push him off but I still managed to do it. "What the fuck, Jack" I yelled at him as I took 2 extra steps back. He just looked at me in shock, almost like he didn't expect this kind of reaction from me.

I have a fiancé, what even did he expect?

Ace's pov
I was organizing the weights with Cullen in the gym when we suddenly heard Mallory yell at Jack.

I immediately dropped everything to run out of the gym and towards the training hall, followed by Cullen. As I stormed in, I saw Jack standing in front of Mal. While he looked ashamed, she looked shocked.

"What happened?" I asked as I grabbed Mallory's hands and pulled her behind me - just in case. I then turned to face her and put my hands on her shoulder.

"Mal what happened?" "I- Nothing" she stuttered but I knew damn well that was a lie. I swear to god I will kill him if he touched her with his filthy hands. "MALLORY" I yelled, causing her to flinch and look to the ground. I immediately felt sorry.

"Okay I'm sorry. I didn't want to scream. But I need to know what happened" I repeated my previous pleads, cupping her face to make her look at me again when Jack spoke up. "I kissed her."

I froze. Time froze. Even Cullen froze. And before Mallory could speak up to defend him like she'd usually done it, I turned around to let my fist collide with his jaw.

His body convulsed from the impact and he flew back, meeting the floor with a loud bang. Mallory gasped in shock and when I got down to punch him again, she of course tried to stop me.

Mallory's pov
"Ace please it wasn't that big of a deal" I yelled as I rushed over to them, only to be pulled back by Cullen.

Ace punched him. Again and again and again. Blood was covering his hands and Jack's face; even the floor. "Please stop" I screamed as tears welled up my eyes. "Mallory, please" Cullen muttered under his breath, his hand still holding firmly onto my arm.

"No" I yelled as I pulled myself out of his grasp and rushed over to them. I got down in between them to try and separate Ace from his brother before he would do something he'd regret later.

But in the act, his fist collided with my cheek instead of Jacks. My head whipped to the side from the impact before it hit the hard floor.

"No" "Oh fuck" I heard Cullen and Ace yell before they rushed over to me. I was already getting on my elbows and sitting up again when they reached me.

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