Chapter 38

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In the evening Jaqueline came over again to do my hair and make up. I was wearing a white mini dress with a light grey, long cardigan. I
was a little underdressed in my opinion but Ace said it wasn't that formal of a meeting and I was at home so it didn't matter anyways. My hair was in a sleek high ponytail.

At about 8 p.m. the guests arrived one after another. The third guest was a Russian-looking man. He had his black hair in a sleek bun and was probably in his thirties. "I'm Stanislav" he greeted me with a smile before kissing the spine of my hand. The girl he was with had red, long hair. She was definitely a prostitute judging by the way he treated her.

She glanced at Ace when he greeted them. He barely looked at her but the one time he did, she winked at him and bit her lip slightly. It made my blood boil but I pretended like it didn't bother me.

When all guests arrived we sat down at the big table in the dining room. Ace was seated at the end of the table, I was sitting around the corner next to him. The men played cards once again and their companions chatted in smaller groups.

"It's pretty boring" a girl next to me muttered as she leaned closer. I chuckled and turned my gaze to her. "I like to listen in on their conversations and think of better ways to solve their problems. It's pretty funny when they take 3 times as long to find a solution while I come up with 5 different ones in the same time" I whispered. "You're the girl that solved the problem at the last meeting right?" she asked and I smiled, proud at the fact that she recognized me.

"How old are you? If I'm allowed to ask." "I'm 18, how old are you?" I answered. "I'm 22. So you really are that young. We were debating whether you just look very young or if you are actually" she laughed causing me to laugh along. "I was 20 when my parents arranged my marriage but 18. Are you going to school?" "Not anymore" I answered. The topic brought memories to my mind that I didn't like. It made me feel uncomfortable and my heart race started to quicken.

"I'm gonna use the restroom real quick" I smiled at her before getting up. Ace was busy talking to a guy so he didn't really acknowledge me. That was fine though.

I made my way to Ace's room and went to the bathroom to freshen up a little. I looked at myself in the mirror and supported me with my hands on the sink. A sigh escaped my mouth before I went back.

As I approached the dining room I couldn't believe my eyes. The red-haired girl that came with Stanislav was sitting in my seat. Ace didn't seem to care, he was still talking to the dude from earlier.

I came in and approached her. Before I could say something, Ace grabbed my wrist and pulled me in his lap. The disbelief and jealousy on her face was incredible. I winked at her and looked over to the girl I was talking to earlier. She smiled at me proudly and I chuckled.

The next 20 minutes nothing really special happened. Ace played cards with the other men and the red-haired girl couldn't take her jealousy filled eyes off of me and him. I ignored her.

The man next to Ace played his cards and I studied Ace's to see if he could play his as well. Then I unobtrusively pointed on the jack in his deck and he smiled proudly before playing it. He pecked my neck and rested his free hand on my thigh under the desk.

He stroked my inner thigh gently and went up until he was under my dress. I shifted on his lap a few times when he suddenly held me firmly in place by my hip. "For fucks sake would you stop that?" he whispered in my ear. The other guests were talking loud enough so they didn't hear it.

"What? Am I turning you on?" I whispered back with a grin on my face. "Just the sight of you turns me on. You know that." I for sure did. I yawned and stretched my arms in the air so my breast was practically exposed to him in that tight dress. I could feel his eyes on me and his grip on my hip tightened.

When I lowered my arms again I grabbed my glass of wine and took a sip from it to suppress the grin that was threatening to stretch across my face. As I put my glass back I shifted on his lap once again and this time I could already feel his dick getting hard.

"Mallory Morozov if you don't stop this shit-" "What? Is the fearless, cruel Ace Rodrigues going to punish me?" I teased him. "You have no idea" he said with raised eyebrows and a smirk.

"Is there a lack of chairs or why are you sitting on his lap?" I suddenly heard Archie's voice at the other end of the room. Him and Cullen were standing in the door.

"Excuse me for a second" Ace said as he got up and forced me on my feet with him. "No, someone just stole my seat when I was gone" I answered Archie as I looked at the girl in a provocative way. She ignored me.

Archie came over to me and Ace left the room with Cullen. The man that was sitting next to Ace and me shifted to a chair next to him and Archie sat down in his seat.

"Hey Malmal" he said as he petted my head and I laughed. "Malmal?" "That's your new nickname. It sounds better than just Mal" he stated and I shook my head while taking my glass, still smiling. "If you say so."

Ace was gone for a few minutes already so I decided to take his cards and play for him. It went pretty well and the men I was playing with were pretty amused and surprised at the same time.

"You won't get this one" one of them said as he played 2 cards. "I wouldn't say that" I answered as I threw my - well, Ace's cards - on the deck. I raised my arms because I won for the third time in a row and every other player cheered loudly. Archie and I laughed our asses off and so did the others. The accompanists looked pretty annoyed and jealous but I didn't care.

"The Bourbon is empty" someone at the other end of the desk stated and I got up to grab a new bottle.

As I came back I walked past Stanislav. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me on his lap. I could already smell the stench of alcohol coming from him when he laughed out loud with the others. I pushed myself away from him to get up but he pulled me back. "Why are you getting up? I can pay you good money for a night with me" he said as his hand creeped it's way under my dress.

Archie immediately got up and rushed over to us. "I'm not a fucking prostitute" I snapped at him as I tried to get up but his grip was too strong.

"Let go of her" Archie said as he grabbed my arms to pull me away but Stanislav didn't let go of me. "Why would I? I want her so I take her. Right?" he grinned evilly and started kissing my neck. I was more than disgusted by him and used the chance to kick his foot, hoping he'd let go of me.

"What the fuck you bitch?" Stanislav screamed as Archie grabbed my arms and pulled me up and behind him. Stanislav pulled his gun out from behind and pointed it at me but Archie quickly blocked him by getting in front of me.

"She's not a prostitute so take your own one and use her" he snapped at him as his hand was already on the gun between his back and trousers.

"What's going on?" I suddenly heard Ace ask in a dangerous tone. I looked over to the door and saw that him and Cullen had already taken their guns out. They held Stanislav at gunpoint and a few other men pointed their guns at him as well. Eventually he realized that he had no chance so the raised his hands in surrender.

"She's not your prostitute as well, keep that in mind" Stanislav winked at Archie with a evil grin on his face.

"It's time for you to leave now" Ace stated in a threatening tone. "Okay, okay. I'll go" Stanislav said before putting the gun away and leaving. Ace threw him a threatening look as he left.

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