Chapter 16

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I jumped as I saw a person standing in the door frame in the corner of my eye. "Oh it's you," I said relieved as I saw Ace standing in front of me.

My eyes wandered down on him. His body was nothing but pure muscle and I found myself wondering when he had the time to work out everyday aside from work.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up. I'll go back to my room," I said as I got up but Ace stopped me. "No you didn't wake me up. I barely ever sleep," he said as he stepped closer and it was then when I noticed he was wearing swim pants.

I gave him a confused look but before I could do or say something he got into the whirlpool and sat down opposite to me. I shifted awkwardly, not daring to look at him but I felt his eyes on me the whole time.

"I'm a bit disappointed you found my spot. I guess I'll have to find myself somewhere else to think now," he said and I finally looked at him. "Oh. I'll go, I'm sorry," I said already getting up but got wanked back before I was even on my feet. As I looked down I saw that he had grabbed my wrist gently, holding me back. "I was joking, don't take that so serious. I'd rather have some company sometimes."

"You barely ever joke or laugh so why wouldn't I take it seriously," I snapped at him, sitting back down earning an evil glare for that.

My gaze shifted to the sky again and I hoped for Ace to not speak up anymore.

"Your hair is different," he stated out of nowhere and I had to force myself not to blush at the fact he noticed it. "It looks good," he added and I failed miserably suppressing it.

"Ohh there's that smile I haven't seen in days," he said, his mood seemed to rise finally. "I didn't smile," I denied with a sassy voice. "Yes you did," he said suddenly grabbing my leg and pulling me towards him.

I shrieked and managed to hold my head above the water to keep my hair dry. "I don't want my hair to get wet, dickhead!" I splashed water at him at 'dickhead' and giggled.

He looked at me for a few seconds before suddenly throwing me over his shoulder and getting out of the whirlpool.

"No, Ace stop," I giggled and laughed as I realized that he was heading towards the big pool. The cold air hit my skin that was still used to the warm water from the whirlpool and it made me shiver.

Without hesitation he put his hands on my waist and threw me into the ice cold water of the pool. The bubbling sound of the water surrounding me filled my ears as my body collided with the icy water and dived further in.

When I swam back up I saw an amused Ace looking proud of his previous actions. "Are you proud of yourself?" I asked earning a nod from him in response before he jumped into the pool aesthetically as well. Water plashed into my face and I wiped it before he swam over to me.

"I had to see if your new hair looks as good wet as it looks dry," he winked at me with a one-sided smirk. "And to what conclusion did you come?"

He looked at me for a few seconds, his gaze wandering along my hair. "Naahh it's ugly," he said shaking his head with his eyes formed into slits and his eyebrows furrowed. I gasped in disbelief before placing my hands on the top of his head and dunking him under the water without a warning.

As he came back to the surface he started tickling me and I giggled uncontrollably for him to stop but he didn't. I plashed water in his face and our little intercourse turned into a water fight, me losing desperately.

Ace dived down and since the pool wasn't lid up I didn't see where he was heading. I turned around, my gaze gliding over the smooth waves my movements made as I searched for him when I suddenly felt him diving between my legs from behind before coming up and throwing me back. I gasped and breathed in some of the water, resulting in me coughing uncontrollably as I came back to the surface.

Ace looked at me in concern suddenly and immediately swam over to me. "Are you okay?" he asked with a voice full of worry. I nodded my head yes once I've steadied my breathing and started laughing again.

"Don't scare me like that. I saw myself sitting in the hospital with you for a second," he said and I couldn't tell whether he was joking or not.

I stopped laughing and a smile formed on my face instead. "You care about me," I teased him as I hit the side of his upper arm. "No I don't. I'm just stuck with you so I might as well make the best out of it. That's it," he denied it. "You're a bad liar," I teased him further, causing him to lock eyes with me.

He pushed me against the edge of the pool behind me and came closer, our bodies were inches away from each other.

"Am I really? I think you're the worse liar trying to convince me that I don't make you nervous but I didn't buy it a single bit," he said coming intimidatingly close to me, who was sinking further into the water as his body towered over me.

"I- I'm not nervous," I wanted to face palm myself at my stutters that gave away how nervous he made me when he came this close. He smirked and came even closer, our bodies still gaping. "Yeah right," he said as he played with a blonde curl of my hair, eyes drifting away from mine. He then cupped my chin with one hand and forced me to look up at him.

His grey eyes bored into my blue ones before I looked down to his muscular chest. My gaze wandered up his throat, jawline and stopped at his soft lips where it fixated and I couldn't do anything about it.

My hands cupped his face almost automatically and I moved my head further to him. His hands slid down my shoulders, arms and back and then stopped at my waist where he pulled me closer, closing the gap between our bodies.

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