Chapter 17

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Jolting out of a deathly sleep, I sat up and looked around. It was bright again and I was still in the forest. I looked down at myself and saw that my clothes were muddy and wet.

How did I survive the previous night?

I breathed and reached into my pocket. When I felt my phone, a little hope fluttered in my chest.

I knew who I had to call, so I dialed her number.
It ringed but when no one picked it up and for a moment, I was scared I might not make it home again.


Hearing Mallory's voice, I felt like the heaviest weight was lifted off my chest and I smiled and breathed, relieved I could always count on my sister.
"Mal? I need your help."

"Where are you? We're picking you up."

"I'll send you my location."

Once I reached the parking lot google maps had shown me, I waited for Mal and probably Ace to arrive.

The ride home and the rest of the day was packed with questions about what happened and how I was.

And every time I saw how caring and gentle Ace was with my sister, the longing inside of me grew. The way he squeezed her hand reassuringly and made sure to always touch her even just the slightest bit. And the constant glancing over at her to make sure she's fine.

I still hadn't talked to Jack and that probably had to wait for a little longer. I didn't know what Vera was up to and whether she would come back or not now that she was an orphan and probably scared I told everyone her plan.

Honestly, I should've fucking done that instead of playing along. But in the back of my head I knew that even if Vera froze to death in the forest, Archie was still there. And no one would believe me if I told them he's a traitor.

"Do you want it?" Mallory had asked me later that day. And I was glad Ace came in at that moment.

Oh yeah. Of course I want a baby that DOESN'T EVEN EXIST.
So happy to have it. Yayyyy!

Fucking hell that shit was starting to get annoying. Why did I have to tell Vera about the marriage? All of this wouldn't have happened if I just kept my distance. BUT NO I had to become friends with her.

The front door opened when Mallory was in the kitchen with Ace.
She probably thought I was scared of him and honestly, I was. I knew that Jack was probably more maniacal but he had a soft spot for me. I didn't wanna find out what would happen to me if Ace heard about the plan.

"Ah there she is," I heard a familiar voice say and it was enough to send my head snapping to there he stood and my muscles stiffening immediately.

"Archie," I said evilly and full of hatred.

He cocked his head and then approached. When he sat down next to me, I shifted away.
Without a warning, he pulled me in and hugged me.

I was still emotional as fuck so the fact that I started to cry all over again wasn't very surprising. My tears left a wet stain on his shirt.

"I know," he said, stroking the back of my head soothingly. "I'm so sorry for what you endured the past few weeks. But it was necessary, you know?
We have a difficult time ahead of us."

His voice got deeper when he said the last sentence.

I stilled on an instant. As I pulled away slowly and looked him dead in the eyes, sick to the stomach, a smirk formed on his face.
"I couldn't find Vera yet but be sure that I'll get it over with whether she's here or not. And don't even dare to try and tell anyone about this."

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