Chapter 11

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I was sitting in my car, on my way to the Morozov Mansion with Niveen shaking her legs next to me. I knew she was scared but that kind of shit drives me insane.

"When does the party begin again?" I asked to break the silence. "At twelve," she answered, looking down on her nails that were now picking at her skin.

"So you've got two hours to get ready," I stated. "Do you know what you want to wear?"
She didn't answer. Instead, she turned her gaze to the landscape stretching to her right, her nails not once stopping to pick.

"Niveen please," I spoke, catching her stare. "You're already bleeding."
She gave me a confused look but when I tipped my head down toward her hands, making sure to keep my eyes on the streets every few seconds, she cursed under her breath.

We were now pulling up on her driveway.
The property was massive. Kilometers of yard stretched around it, surrounded by high fences to ensure there was no chance of climbing them. Whether it was to get in or out.

I definitely knew what Niveen meant when she described this place as prison rather than her home. It was a jail designed to look inviting and save but in reality, the only person they needed saving from was the monster haunting not just their dreams but their days as well. It was real behind those walls.

"Niveen, Jack," Gabriel greeted us with open arms, clapping his hands shut but keeping them in the air as we got out of the car.

A little too real if you ask me.

He embraced his daughter in a hug, probably nearly crushing her bones but wanting to maintain the image of his picture perfect family.
Niveen cringed under his hold, her muscles visibly relaxing slightly the second he let go of her.
"You must be Mr. Morozov," I spoke, bearing my teeth as I smiled at him while shaking his hand.

"The one and only. But please, let me invite you inside."
He pivoted and approached his front door.

The one and only. As if he was a high king, known by everyone because of how great he is. He was such a small little fish compared to my family and even the Ivanovs. Either, he really didn't know or he just wanted everyone to think he was incredible.

The inside of the building was fancier than I'd expected. Expensive carpet was lying on the marble floor and drawings from famous artists adorned the walls. I'd like to see if his study at least looks equally as dead and emotionless as he was on the inside. He tried to resemble everything he wasn't and I bet it was eating at him, knowing that he won't ever accomplish what he wanted.

A woman was sitting in the living room, I supposed Niveen's mother, and a cleaning woman was dusting shelves in the corner. She was wearing a typical uniform, barely long enough to cover her ass and I wondered if Gabriel sometimes touched her with not just his eyes but those filthy hands of his.

"Hello," Niveen's mother got up to shake my hand and then hug her daughter. She was way more comfortable than with Gabriel. Katerina was more reserved than her husband. Not only when it came to hugging her daughter but moving and talking in general.

"I hope you're not staying like that for your uncle's birthday," Gabriel spoke, catching my attention. As if Niveen had to look like attending a wedding for a her own home.

"I'll go get ready," she dipped her head slightly, acknowledging him and then grabbed my hand. It felt weird but it was what we had to do in order for people to think we were in a relationship.

We weren't even near the door when Gabriel stopped us. "I would like to talk to him. Alone."
Niveen turned to look at me and with a slight nod, I communicated I was fine.
I was more than fine, considering I had some things to say to him, as well.

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