Chapter 62

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At the office I was sat down on a bench in the training hall. Once again I scrolled through my laptop because I had nothing to do.

"Can you spot me please?" a girl caught my attention.

If I get to hear the slightest bit of information that you break this promise, I will lock you in your room and tie you to the bed. Is that clear?

"Yeah of course" I answered with a smile as I closed my laptop and got up. I didn't have to lift the weight for the girl, I was just supposed to spot her so I thought it'd be fine.

I followed her to the gym and as I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes.

"That, my dear, was a test and you failed miserably" Archie said, his arms crossed in front of his body.

"Do you know in how much trouble I'd be if you helped her?" he asked as he stepped closer with his index finger raised. "I'm sorry but I wouldn't even have to lift the weight-" "And what if she needed help? You know damn well that in that case you would've had to lift them."

I opened my mouth to speak but quickly exhaled that breath because I did know that.

"That's what I thought. Go help Ace in the office" he demanded while waving his hand out of the room so with a heavy sigh I did as he told me. I made my way to Ace's office and knocked 2 times before I entered without waiting.

"Wha-" a man that I didn't know said confused as his uncertain eyes flicked between me and Ace. Apparently he was in a meeting with a few other Mafia bosses but I couldn't care less.

I swiftly made my way to my fiancé with a unbothered look on my face as their eyes followed my every movement.

Ace gestured his arms up with a annoyed look on his face. "What are you doing?" he asked slightly confused by the time I reached him.

"Don't be bothered by me. I'm bored" I said before turning his chair to face me. I sat down on his lap while he was still looking at me confused with his hands in mid-air.

"Continue" I said causing him to drop his hands in surrender and turn to face the other men again, then they continued.

"Okay so if we want to come to terms I suggest we rise the prices for Heroin, Speed and Weed in Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska and both South and North Dakota" Ace continued while I got comfortable on his lap.

I leaned against the left side of his chest and rested my head against his shoulder. With my hands I played with the black tie hanging down his neck while listening in on the conversation.

"We would need Texas to pay more as well" a man said with a uncertain look on his face. "No. Chances are that they will get their stuff from Mexico then" another one argued.

While they were talking, Ace put his one arm around me with his hand gently stroking the bare skin on my waist, giving me goosebumps. His other hand was rested on the desk in front of us, playing with a pen. His muscular chest rose and sunk at his calm breath which made me even more comfortable than I already was.

"That is exactly why we're here today" the third man spoke for the first time before everyone turned their gaze to Ace. "You own the drug industry in New Mexico so if someone were to get this under control again, it would be you."

Ace waited for a few seconds, contemplating what he was going to say before he cleared his throat and spoke. "I could tell my men not to sell to Texas but I don't know if they're going to do that."

Normally he'd probably said it's not his problem, which it wasn't then but he knew damn well that if the men's states were to be doomed because of Ace's drugs, there would be war.

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