Chapter 57

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"CULLEN?" I shouted as I was walking through one of the long corridors in the Rodrigues office. He was supposed to help me because I forced Ace to stay at home but Cullen was nowhere to be found.

"Cullen I swear to god if you're late again" I cursed under my breath as I approached his office room. I swung the door open and gasped at the scene I encountered.

He was standing at the end of his desk, fucking a girl. And if that wasn't enough already - a trainee.

"Oh my god" I said as I quickly looked away and slammed the door close. I already heard him yell after me so I quickly rushed over to Ace's office and entered quietly.

As soon as the door was closed I pressed my back against it and released a breath I didn't even know I was holding. My hands found my face and rubbed my eyes and then forehead in despair.

Ace never actively forbid his men to build relationships with the trainees. He never had to. But I knew he'd still be furious about it. It was simply something you just don't do. It was like a unspoken rule.

When I was sure that Cullen was gone I opened the door and peaked into the hallway. It was empty and quiet so I made my way back to the training hall.

I didn't even open the door when I already heard a deep, familiar voice chime from the inside.

"You will part in groups of 4 and then fight. If I see something like this again outside of the ring I will not hesitate to kick you out, got it?"

That voice sounded too demanding to be Archie's. It couldn't have been him anyway because I knew for a fact that he was upstairs dealing with someone.

I opened the door and was only partly surprised to see the same blonde, muscular guy that was supposed to be lying in bed at home.

The trainees were building 2 rows in front of him as he gave his instructions. His head immediately whipped in my direction when I came in.

"Ah my love, where have you been? I came in here to say hello but instead I was greeted with a hall full of trainees and a missing trainer" Ace said with a sheepish smile on his face.

"I was looking for Cullen because he was supposed to help me" I stated as I approached him. "Okay get going" Ace yelled causing the first group of trainees to get in the ring.

He then walked a few feet away and watched them from a distance with his arms crossed. "I don't remember telling you to come over" I said in a serious tone as I watched them as well.

"I don't remember taking orders from you" he replied but before I could even answer he went on. "Where's Cullen?"

In that moment the door to the hall opened and in came Cullen with a guilt-ridden look on his face.

"Ah there he is. There is Cullen" I said pissed as I gestured my whole arms in his direction and then dropped them.

"Where have you been?" Ace asked in a slightly demanding tone. He opened his mouth to speak while glancing at me. "He was on the toilet" I forestalled him as I looked back and forth between the 2 of them.

Cullen shot me a confused look. "Okay. Get to work. I'll have a word with Mal" he said before he approached the door. Cullen mouthed a 'thank you' my way but I just ignored him and left.

"What are you doing here? I told you to stay at home" I snapped at Ace as soon as the door to the hall was closed. "Don't you talk to me like that. I'm Ace Rodrigues. I don't stay at home" he answered like it was the most disrespectful question of me.

"Ace Rodrigues I asked you to stay home because I'm scared for your health and you still came in anyways" my tone was sharp and angry. I didn't like him endangering his health.

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