Chapter 25

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The little beep of the lock was all that echoed through the halls of the motel in the quiet of the night. The room was dark, Niveen seemed to be fast asleep. And I stepped in.

"Little traitor," I said in a low, cheerful voice as I slowly made my way through the dark room. The bedsheets shuffled.

"Little traitor," I repeated. She groaned. I grabbed the gun I had at the back of my jeans and pressed it right against her temple. The click when I loaded the trigger was what finally woke her up.

Bolting upwards, she gasped in shock. "What the fuck are you doing?" She asked, panting and trying to come to her senses.

My shoulders slumped in response and I dropped my head and gun. "You fucked up everything that you possibly can when someone wakes you up like this," I say disappointedly.

Niveen frowned, rolling her eyes. "If this is one of your 'I'm the only one who will be the death of you' games, please wait until the morning," she said, turning her back on me again and lying down. "That's the first night I'm spending without my back being a total bitch," she murmured into the pillow.

She definitely had way too little respect.

And I definitely had to do something about it.

I sighed. "This is no fun." And then I grabbed a hold of the pillow and yanked it away from under her head full force.

Niveen frowned loudly and aggressively, bolting up before she stood in front of me. It was funny how I had to tilt my head down to look her in the eyes.

"What is wrong with you," she snapped, looking down her nose at me even though she was way smaller than me.
"And what is that stench? Are you drunk?"

The disgust on her face made me feel very aware of just how much I drank. A knot formed in my throat and bile threatened to make an appearance. I swallowed, my mouth watering. "I'll- sorry," is all I managed before I stormed off to the bathroom.

And that's on making her respect me more.

Worry formed in the pit of my stomach when I heard him release the insides of his. "Jack?" I asked, knocking on the bathroom door after quietly approaching.
"Do you need help?"

No answer. What the fuck was I doing anyways? It wasn't like Jack Rodrigues' health was any of my concern. But yet...

"Jack?" Another knock and another round of choking before he answered. I half expected him to tell me to fuck off or anything like that, so when he answered, I didn't quite realize it at first.

"Come in."

"Okay, sorry, I'll-" I was already turning around when it came to me and I stilled mid move. "What?!"

A frown behind the wood. "Come in before I change my mind, god."

I furrowed my brows. Is that a trick? It must be. He wouldn't let me in otherwise.

Despite my worry, I opened the door very slowly. The light was only dim and Jack sat by the toilet, his back against the wall and with his arms on his knees.

"Do you need something?" I asked when he looked up at me. His gaze flicked down to my bared legs for a second and I was suddenly too aware of the short pants and tight top I was wearing.

He shook his head no....but he still didn't tell me to leave.
I approached him very slowly, staying alert and ready to attack first, should he try anything. I knew I didn't stand a chance once he had me pinned to the floor.

"Why have you been drinking?" I asked as I sat in a criss cross a few meters away from him. His head snapped up. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" I asked, smiling.

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