Chapter 21

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I stood in front of my mirror, inspecting my outfit. I've decided that, since the previous day went so incredibly well, I'd be better off with a simple hot pants and oversized white button up situation.

"Why didn't you curl your hair?" Filip asked, inspecting my sleek ponytail as I reached the end of the staircase.
"Well," I started slowly. "Maybe that is because it's a thousand degrees outside and I don't look forward to getting fried when I'm running around the garden with Eleanor like last year."

Filip shrugged his shoulders in a 'fair enough' kind of way before we left.

Of course Marvolo couldn't leave out the moral speech about how Jack is my brother in-law and that's why I have to try and treat him normally. I told him to fuck off and keep his nose out of my business.

"Aunt Nivi," a girl with blonde hair and mismatched grey and icy blue eyes ran towards me, a big smile on her chubby baby face and almost tripping over her tiny feet.

"Hiii," I said, unconsciously making my voice higher as I got down to pick her up. "Happy birthday little one."

"Hey sissy," another, very familiar voice addressed me. My eyes snapped up to Mallory instantly.
She looked just as good as she looked when she was seventeen. Her hair was a bit longer, wavy at the ends and she had the same blush on her flawless cheekbones as always.

Ace was even more breathtaking. Except for his beard, he didn't shave it down to zero anymore, he looked just as gorgeous as he looked on their wedding. They really were a great couple.

He gracefully walked towards us, always with a controlled speed and with his head held high. He screamed confidence.
"Hello Marvolo, Filip," he nodded at my brothers before turning his gaze to me.

For some reason, he stopped addressing me the day Jack swore his revenge to me. Mallory rolled her eyes, incredibly annoyed by her husband's stubbornness before Eleanor, who was still in my arms, wanted me to put her down so that she can show us her new dress.

It was a baby pink dress, flowing beautifully when she turned with her arms stretched out. "It's beautiful," I said when suddenly I saw Mallory tense a little.

The way she looked behind me, towards the big gate of their yard, made me get a little more curious and self-conscious.

The air suddenly felt hot and thick and I could feel a dangerous demeanor approach me, causing the hairs on my neck to stand.

Jack was coming.

"Honey," Mal said, bending down to put her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "Why don't we go and show your auntie your presents? I bet she has one for you, too."

The party has been going great so far. I don't know what Ace did exactly to have Jack that calm even when we were sitting at the long ass table for cake (maybe he just didn't want to kill me in front of Eleanor, or it was the fact that he was seated at the other end of the table).

I could feel his gaze on me, though. And when I looked over to him, he was already looking. He winked at me, smiling wickedly before he turned his attention back to whoever he was talking to. That was our only interaction....until I came back from the bathroom.

"Hello little traitor," a deep voice said as I stepped out into the empty hallway on the first floor. Jack was leaning against the wall opposite to me, playing with the tip if a dagger.

I stilled immediately, scanning the hallway for potential emergency exits but there was nothing. He was blocking my way very efficiently and there was no one that could hear me if I screamed.

I cleared my throat, thinking of a way to deescalate this without violence.

"Hi," I said, forcing a smile. His gaze immediately snapped over to me.

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