Chapter 20

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Archie, Cullen and me waited for a reaction but Ace just stood there, rooted to the ground inspecting his office.

"Mallory, come in and close the door" he demanded in a serious tone and my heart sunk in my chest. "Oh oh" I heard Cullen whisper behind me and looked at them scared. I walked in hesitantly and closed the door behind me.

I waited for him to speak up but he walked around the room and inspected everything. Especially his folders and sheets on the table.

"I thought you might like it and could work better if your office looked more....comfortable" I spoke in a intimidated voice and Ace turned around to look at me from his desk.

"I do like it, I just didn't expect it" he said to my surprise. "Wait you're not mad?" "Why would I be mad? It's not like I'm a monster" he made a quick pause and looked deep in thought "well, maybe a little but that's besides the point" he shrugged his shoulders while tilting his head slightly causing me to chuckle.

"Who put that armchair there?" he gestured his head to it in confusion. "I did." He looked at me in both shock and surprise "Wait you made that on your own? I'm impressed." "You act like I can't do it just because I'm a girl" I frowned at him.

"No that's not what I meant. I just didn't expect it- you know what I'll just make it worse no matter what I say" he gave up and approached me.

"Thank you" he said as he looked me dead in the eyes, inching closer until our bodies were almost touching. The way his gaze bored into me sent shivers down my spine and made my cheeks glow a bright red.

I wanted to touch him. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, bury my face in his chest and take in his scent like a drug. Because he for sure was addicting to me but there was still this invisible barrier between us that I knew I didn't dare to overstep. I wanted him, though I didn't know why. When did this happen to me? When did I catch feelings for him?

Memories of the night in the pool forced their way into my mind and I automatically looked down on his lips without even realizing it.

Only when a boyish smirk formed on them and his tongue rolled along his cheek I realized that I was staring.

I nervously shifted on my feet smiled back at him.


I sat on my bed the next Monday, online shopping some winter clothes when I heard the front door open. It was only midday meaning it couldn't have been Ace so I got suspicious and listened.

"Get him to the kitchen" "FUCK he's losing too much blood" "We need to stop the fucking bleeding"

I recognized Archie's voice but the second one was unfamiliar. I jumped up from my bed and ran downstairs.

"Archie?" I yelled. "Get her away, I don't want her to see me like that" I heard Ace grump in a pain stricken voice causing my heart to drop. I ran to the kitchen as fast as I could but Archie stopped me halfway.

His hands and clothes were stained with blood and I immediately saw the concern on his face he tried to hide.

"What happened?" I asked in shock and very uneasy trying to push past him. "You can't go in there" he said and got in my way with his arms stretched out to the side so he wouldn't stain my clothes.

"Archie let me pass what happened?" I cussed right before I heard a scream drowned in pain come from the kitchen.

"Archie, I'm really sorry about this." He shot me a confused look before I kneed him in between his legs without leaving him the time to prepare or react and forcing him to grump in pain.

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