Chapter 29

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At the office a body guard brought me to Ace's office and I spent the morning sitting in my arm chair, huddled up in my blanket while watching a show on his laptop.

Then my phone suddenly started ringing.


A smile immediately formed on my face because I have not heard from my family in two months so I quickly picked it up.



Why did his voice sound so....uneasy?

"Are you okay? Why are you calling me?" I asked getting a little concerned.



"When was the last time you went swimming?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What?"

"When was the last time you went swimming?" he repeated, getting more urgent.

"I- I don't know- what is wrong? Are you okay?" I asked only to be met with silence again. Then he hung up.

I grimaced at my phone confused but also worried. I tried to call him but he did not pick up. Then the old lake a few minutes away from my old house came to my mind. My brothers and I always went swimming there when we were younger.

I quickly got up and rushed to Archie's office. "Where's Ace?" I burst in causing him to startle and then look at me in confusion as he sat at his desk.

"Upstairs, what's wrong?" "My brother called me and something's very off. I think he's in danger" I said desperately.

He looked at me before he sighed. "I can't do anything about that unfortunately. He's taking care of someone from the party yesterday so-" I didn't even let him finish. I rolled my eyes and closed the door.

I limped to Ace's office and put on my jacket, then I let Dan drive me to the lake. If they didn't want to help me, I would do it on my own.

At the lake I told Dan to wait in the car as I got out. I looked around but there was no one in sight except for the trees that surrounded me and the deep water with the wooden jetty leading further in.

"Filip?" I shouted but was only met with silence instead of an answer. Then I heard a strick crack behind the trees a few feet to my right. "Filip?" I repeated when suddenly someone covered my mouth from behind.

"Scream and I will give my mole the go to fire the bombs surrounding Rodrigues' office" the person behind me who appeared to be a woman threatened. "Will you scream?" I shook my head no in fear and then she let go of me.

I turned around to reveal a tall, lean woman with platinum blonde, hair that was cut into a bob. She seemed to be in her 30s and everything about her gave off an intimidating vibe.

If anything, she was the type of woman that would poison her husband to get revenge for something he did.

"Wow they really went hard on you, did they?" she said impressed while inspecting my injuries.

"Who are you? Where's my brother?" I asked suspicious as anger rose in me. "Oh your brother is fine, don't worry. We can ask him if you want to" she said before taking out her phone and dialing a number.

She put the call on speaker and the person on the other line picked it up. "Hello?" It was Filip's voice. "Filip? Are you okay?" "Yes, why are you asking?" he said in the most innocent voice. "No reason" I said before the woman ended the call and put her phone away.

"What do you want?" I asked suspicious while looking around the lake. "You won't run away. You most definitely wouldn't be able to make it to the trees over there because of your foot. And remember, I only have to press this button and sweet Ace will be history" she said as she showed me a small remote control with a red button in the middle.

"And what do I want? Honey I want to see your little lover's Mafia go to ground. And I want to see him go down with it. I want him dead" she continued as she looked me dead in the eyes. Her statement and the cold, unbothered way she revealed her plans to me made my blood freeze.

"Why would you tell me that? I could simply go to Ace and-" she shut me off by holding up the remote control.

"Oh and you won't be able to talk to him anyway. In fact, you won't ever be able to talk to him again. I hope you're not fighting currently because dying during an argument like the last one will haunt him his entire life. The guilt he would have resting on his muscular shoulders" she almost whispered at the last part and it scared the shit out of me.

"Wow" she suddenly said impressed like her whole mood just changed. "I might as well let him live after I destroyed his life. That would be worse than dying for him."

"You're fucking sick" I spat in disgust causing her face to drop. "And I really thought we'd get along well. What a waste" she sighed before suddenly gripping the back of my neck and walking towards the water.

"What are you doing?" I asked in fear, trying to ignore the pain reverberating from my foot since she was way too fast for me.

"I told you you won't make it out this time. It's bad enough that those idiots failed miserably yesterday. I mean how hard can it be for two full grown men to kidnap a fucking 18 year old girl" she scoffed like she was making fun of them.

"Definitely harder than to fight her while she's injured. But still not a 100% safe" I said earning a confused look. Before she could react I took the remote control out of her pocket and elbowed her in the side.

She let go of me as she fell back from the impact and I used my chance to start running. At this point my ankle was pulsing and stinging like crazy but that was better than the other option.

I did not come very far though. She caught up with me and jumped on my back, causing me to trip and fall. My chin hit the grass and I bit my tongue hard causing me to taste iron.

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